ACCESS: An e-Newsletter of the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) |
ACCESS is intended to keep the Water and Sanitation Program’s partners, clients and staff informed of progress, including summaries of findings, lead activities, new initiatives, and organizational changes. The news includes global and regional activities, upcoming events and new learning products. Periodic e-mails provide links to the information.
To subscribe, please send an email (please leave the subject lines blank) to:
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Environmental Health Project (EHP) |
(for Urban Environmental Health network)
EHP, formerly the WASH (Water and Sanitation for Health Project), provides selected reports and publications on urban environmental sanitation directly from its web site or you can order them electronically. The EHP database can be searched using a geographic and subject index. You can contact EHP's Information Center for specialized information and to access to other databases and libraries. You can join EHP's Urban Environmental Health network, established in 1992, and receive its newsletter Voices from the City. This network provides practical, field-oriented information and support on topics related to peri-urban environmental health, including environmental sanitation.
Global Applied Research Network in Water Supply and Sanitation (GARNET) |
GARNET facilitates information exchange in the water supply and sanitation sector using low-cost, informal networks of researchers, practitioners, and funders of research. GARNET functions through its global network center, topic network centers (based specific subject themes), and local network centers based in Latin America, West Africa, and South Asia. Networks are available on topics such as: urban environmental health, institutional development, hygiene behavior, participatory approaches, gender issues, rainwater harvesting, groundwater development, water quality monitoring, pit latrines, nightsoil/sludge treatment, low-cost sewerage, and solid waste management and recycling. Also available from GARNET are its global network newsletter, proceedings from workshops, case studies of successful applied research, and directories of donor agencies funding applied research. You can join GARNET's electronic discussion groups on topics of interest.
Global Environmental Sanitation Initiative |
The Global Environmental Sanitation Initiative is a global activity of the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (See: WSSCC). This website, maintained by the International Water and Sanitation Centre(IRC), provides information on environmental sanitation and hygiene, tools and publications on sanitation promotion and low-income urban communities, and links related to sanitation.
INTERWATER is a task force of the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council and is coordinated by IRC (International Water and Sanitation Centre). The INTERWATER Guide to Information Sources provides a wealth of information on: Organizations, Directories, Databases, Glossaries and Dictionaries, Thesauri, and Bibliographies and Literature Reviews. Provides ready access to information on topics related to urban environmental sanitation including technologies, health aspects, social aspects, training and capacity building, and urbanization. INTERWATER PARTNERS describes over 100 partner institutions and their products and services and guides you to further information through links to the home pages of partners.
International Water and Sanitation Centre (IRC) |
The IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre is an international resource center on water supply, sanitation and hygiene based at Delft, Netherlands. The IRC maintains an extensive knowledge base to promote the access and use of knowledge among sector institutions and other stakeholders. It advocates key sector issues while incrementally building resource centers in developing countries.
The website hosts a useful section of thematic overview papers and ‘water stories’, IRC publications and catalogues, W&S sector news and links to a variety of community water management, school sanitation and hygiene education websites.
Westvest 7, Delft,
The Netherlands
Tel: +31-15-219 29 39
Fax: +31-15-219 09 55
WatsanWeb |
WatsanWeb is the internet portal to the water and sanitation sector. It provides you with selected links from disaster relief to development cooperation. Its clear structure of 8 topics and a sitemap enables you to quickly find the information you are looking for. It includes: Magazines, Literature, Technologies, Events, Training, Networks, Discussion Groups, and Institutions.
The site is developed by SKAT: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.
WELL (Water and Environmental Health at London and Loughborough) |
WELL is a resource center promoting environmental health and well-being in developing and transitional countries. WELL is managed by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and the Water, Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC), Loughborough University. WELL offers technical expertise and assistance, develops technical manual, and information services. Publications available electronically related to urban environmental sanitation include proceedings of recent WEDC Conferences.
Public Policy for the Private Sector - Water Issues (quarterly journal) |
(Published by the World Bank's Finance, Private Sector, and Infrastructure Network (FPSI)) |