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News and Events

VaNTH IAP Lecture Series a Success!

VaNTH had a successful IAP lecture series featuring Dr. Ioannis Yannas and Dr. Hugh Herr. Dr. Ioannis Yannas is a professor in the mechanical engineering department and is also affiliated with HST (Harvard-MIT Program in Health Sciences & Technology) and the BE (Bioengineering) department. He spoke about tissue engineering and organ regeneration including skin and peripheral nerve regeneration.

Dr. Herr is a pioneer in the field of mechanical limbs, especially legs and knees. He lost both his legs below the knee in a mountain climbing accident
when he was sixteen, but since then has been able to climb mountains even better with the aid of mechanical limbs that he designed. He lectured about auto-adaptiveleg prostheses, or leg prosthetics that "learn" how to adapt to the environment of amputee.

HSSP is fast approaching!

VaNTH members, and other graduate and undergraduate students will spend the next eight weekends teaching high school students how the eye works in a free program sponsored by the MIT Educational Studies Program (ESP).

HST Tutor and Renal Pathophysiology Module

VaNTH members recently completed a renal pathophysiology module a renal pathophysiology module and an online tutor for HST.110.

Read about VaNTH in Tech Talk

This Tech Talk article discusses VaNTH's goals and funding.




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