Westgate PCB Abatement Project

In 2006, MIT's Environment, Health, and Safety Office (EHS) discovered trace amounts of PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) around the Westgate lowrise apartments A, B, and C. EHS has been conducting an ongoing PCB abatement project in response. Their reports on the subject are listed below.

Information Sheet #5 (Jul 20, 2007)
Information Sheet #4 (May 10, 2007)
Information Sheet #3 (Nov 27, 2006)
Information Sheet #2 (Sep 6, 2006)
Information Sheet #1 (Aug 10, 2006)
EHS Town Hall Presentation (Aug 10, 2006)

Westgate Virtual Bulletin Board

A Westgate resident volunteer has organized an online virtual bulletin board where Westgate residents can post notes about carpooling, grocery shopping, buying and selling, etc. To check it out or post a message:
  1. Go to: http://assembly.nerdworld.com
  2. Type in the handle: westgate assembly
  3. Press: "Go"
  4. To post a message or reply to a message use the blue icons on the top left of the display
Note: This message board is not operated or moderated by MIT or the WEC.

Police Bulletin

The MIT Police recommend that you are always aware of your surroundings. Know the locations of the blue light emergency telephones. Please report suspicious or criminal activity immediately to the MIT Police. Dial 100 from an on campus telephone of 617-253-1212 from a cell phone.

Note that all 911 calls from a cell phone go the State Police in Framingham, MA and are then transferred back to the Cambridge Police. We encourage you to program 617-253-1212 into your cell phone for campus emergencies.


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