Resident Information

The Westgate Community is served by the Westgate Government, the MIT Housing Office, and MIT Student Life Programs.  Please contact us if you have any questions, suggestions, or if you would like to volunteer in the community.

Westgate New Residents' Guide

Westgate E-mail lists

There are three mailing lists that Westgate residents are encouraged to join.  The Westgate information list, the Westgate activities list and the Westgate resident-owned list.

Westgate Information Mailing List

Westgate residents are strongly encouraged to join this list.  This list is used to inform residents of scheduled power outages, water shutoffs, fire alarm tests and similar occurrences.  The Westgate Housing Manager, Program Manager and Graduate Coordinator may post messages to this list (members will not receive spam from this list).  To join this list, follow this link:

Westgate Official Information Mailing List

Westgate Activities Mailing List

Westgate residents are also encouraged to join this list.  This list is used to inform residents of events which are organized by the Westgate Executive Committee and/or Westgate resident volunteers as well as some additional MIT events.  The Westgate Housing Manager, Program Manager, Graduate Coordinator and Executive Committee Officers may post messages to this list (members will not receive spam from this list).  To join this list, follow this link:

Westgate Activities Mailing List

Westgate Resident-Owned Mailing List

This list provides a means for Westgate residents to post messages to each other.  All Westgate residents may post messages to this list.  To join this list, follow this link:

Westgate Resident-Owned Mailing List

Residential Resources

Residential Life Associate
Jason McKnight
Jason aids communication between the house manager, WEC, SLP, and residents and provides support for international families.
Graduate Coordinator
Anna & Jason Walther
Jason & Anna work with Student Life Programs and residents. They supervise mailing lists, reservations, and info sessions.
House Manager
Michael Collins
Michael coordinates maintenance and cleaning and oversees the Tang front desk. His office is next to the lobby in Tang Hall.

Informational Links

The following links are sites which Westgate residents may find useful.  If any of the links do not work or if you have a suggestion for an additional link please contact the Westgate webmaster.

Cambridge Survival Guide

How to Get Around MIT

MIT Card Office

Telephone Support Services

Ethernet Connection

Cambridge Resident Parking Permit

Air Conditioner Installation

Westgate Families with Children Yahoo Group

New Students @ MIT

Spouses and partners newcomers' FAQs

MIT Facts

Cable TV

MIT Department of Facilities web-page

MIT Housing Office

Housing Office Fast Help

Housing Office Westgate Web Site

Parking and Transportation Office

Safe Ride


Tech Shuttle


Alcohol Policy

BabyNet @ MIT

Boston Citysearch

City of Cambridge

Cambridge Public Libraries

Cambridge Public Schools

City of Cambridge Childcare and Preschool Programs

Center for Work, Family, & Personal Life

State of Massachusetts

Massachusetts Health and Human Services (MassHealth)

MIT Community Development and Substance Abuse Programs

MIT Student Support Services

MIT Federal Credit Union

MIT Graduate Students' Office

MIT International Students Office

MIT Language Conversation Exchange

Lecture Series Committee (MIT Movies)

MIT Life Sites

Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation

Massachusetts Division of Health Care Finance and Policy

MIT Medical

Office of Residential Life Programs

Spouses & Partners @ MIT

Westgate Parents' Yahoo Discussion Group

Student Parenting Project, Inc.: Student Parenting FORUM website

Westgate webmaster


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