Tang Hall, the building next-door to Westgate, has a front desk that offers a variety of services to Westgate residents.  It is open from 7:30 AM to 10:00 PM Monday through Friday and from 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM Saturday and Sunday.  For questions, comments, and suggestions about the Tang Desk, contact the Tang Desk Captain, Trudy Wilcox.

Tang Hall Resources

Tang Hall Front Desk

Tang Hall Lounge/BBQ reservations

Tang Hall DVD List (Updated 06/15/2005)

Tang Hall Video List (Updated 06/15/2005)

The following materials can be borrowed from the Tang Front Desk:

-Toilet Plungers



-Bicycle Pump (must be used in Tang lobby)

-Carts for Moving

-Video Tapes


-Spare Keys

-Tennis Equipment

-Karaoke Machine



Packages that do not fit in the mailboxes will be left at the Tang desk.  The Tang front desk worker will e-mail you to inform you that a package is waiting for you at the front desk.  You will have to show your ID for each package that comes for you.


There is a collection of video tapes and DVDs at the Tang Front Desk.  Residents may rent up to two at a time.  There is not a charge, but there is a fee for movies that are returned late and there is a voluntary donation box (donations are used to purchase more DVDs).  Below are links to lists of the DVDs and videos that are available.

Tang Hall DVD List (Updated 06/15/2005)

Tang Hall Video List (Updated 06/15/2005)


There is a photocopy machine and a fax machine in Tang.  The photocopy machine is in the Tang laundry room, near the vending machines.  Just tell the Tang front desk worker that you want to use the photocopy machine, and he or she will let you in (with ID only).  Copies are 10 cents a sheet.  The fax machine is located at the Tang front desk.  The fax number is (617)253-3768.  If you would like to make a long-distance fax, you will need a pre-paid phone card.


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