Researchers at the MIT Workplace Center prepared this website as a companion to our recent publication, the Family Caregiver Handbook, to assist the families and friends of Massachusetts elders in finding information and accessing services. Each section poses basic questions caregivers need to ask – and answer – as they design elder care plans and make elder care choices. Section 7 has a Glossary to define unfamiliar elder care terms, and Section 8 provides a Directory by city and town to help locate services near you.
The Family Caregiver Handbook is a “gateway” to key elder care organizations across the Commonwealth, providing telephone numbers, locations and website addresses so that caregivers can find the most appropriate resources closest to their own community.
Major sections of the Handbook are listed in the column to your left. Each section starts with an outline that provides an overview of the content, and also allows you to click on the topics of interest. Or you can enter a search term in the box at the upper right corner of the screen to look for specific topics or organizations.
To see the first section, click here: Getting Started
To read more About the Authors and research behind this Handbook, click here: Introduction
To learn about the individuals and organizations who contributed to the development of the handbook, click here: Acknowledgements , Disclaimer