
The hands-ons are short, low-stress (we hope) assignments designed to reinforce your understanding of some of the abstract concepts tested in lecture.

Accessing the hands-ons

The hands-ons will all be available on Gradescope.com, and you will submit them directly on Gradescope. They typically release at 12:00pm Eastern on their relase date (which is often a Tuesday), and are due at 11:59pm on their due date (which is often a Wednesday).

To access Gradescope, use the course entry code 74X82B.

Getting help

If you have any questions about the hands-ons, or need help getting started, office hours are a great place to start! If you are having trouble accessing Gradescope, let us know on Piazza and we'll help you figure that out.


Our goal is to release grades for each hands-on one week after it's due. You'll be able to see your grades, and submit regrade requests if necessary, directly on Gradescope—you'll get an email when grades are released. You can submit regrade requests for a particular hands-on for up to one week after the grades are released.

Hands-ons count for 5% of your final grade total; that means each individual hands-on is worth less than 1% of the final grade.