Jen Nguyen

jen loves plants

Research Interests

I study how bacterial physiology influences ecology. In the Alm Lab, I'm developing synthetic microbial communities and culturing protocols to improve experimental models of the human microbiome. This project tickles my research fancies by (1) optimizing a model system that we can controllably perturb, observe, and explain what caused what and (2) illuminating how microbial communities respond to ecological change.

I am also collecting data on which ice cream flavor is actually the best. jen loves nature

Jen Nguyen

Postdoctoral Fellow
j dot kimthu dot nguyen at gmail dot com
  • Past projects.
  • Personal page.
  • Education

    • BS/MSc Biology @ UC San Diego (w/ Amy Kiger)
    • PhD Microbiology @ MIT/ETH Zrich (w/ Roman Stocker)

    jen and kitty