Write out the full name of the periodical. Capitalize all words except prepositions and articles that do not begin the title or follow a colon. Underline both the periodical title and the volume number.
Pasternack, R. F., & Collins, P. J.
(1995). Resonance light scattering: A new
technique for studying chromophore aggregation.
Science, 269, 935-939.
Nelson, K. A., Miller, R. J. Dwayne,
Lutz, D. R., & Fayer, M. D. (1982). Optical
generation of tunable ultrasonic waves.
Journal of Applied Physics, 53, 1144-1149.
Denning, D. E. (1995, July). Resolving
the encryption dilemma: The case for the
clipper chip. Technology Review, 98(5), 48-55.
Include the year, month, and day. List the page numbers with the abbreviations p. or pp.
Metcalfe, B. (1996, September 30). The
numbers show how slowly the Internet runs
today. Infoworld, p. 34.
Paez-Borrallo, J. M., Perez-Alavarez,
I. A., & Bello, S. Z. (1994). Adaptive
filtering in data communications with self
improved error reference. In IEEE International
Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal
Processing (pp. 65-68). Adelaide, Australia:
Institute of Electrical and Electronic
Halle, M. (1987). A biblical pattern
poem. In N. Fabb, D. Attridge, A. Durant, &
C. MacCabe (Eds.), The linguistics of writing:
Arguments between language and literature
[Proceedings of the conference The Linguistics
of Writing] (pp. 67-75). New York: Methuen.
Lai, M., Chen, B., & Yuan, S. (1995, 12
December). Toward a new educational
environment. Paper presented at the Fourth
International World Wide Web Conference,
Glazer, F. G. (1987). Hierarchical
motion detection. Unpublished doctoral
dissertation, University of Massachusetts at