Before You Begin
The Mayfield Handbook of Technical & Scientific Writing is an effective and efficient
tool for writers, students, teachers, and managers at all levels. It addresses the writing processes,
strategies, and organizational skills necessary to produce effective technical and scientific
documentation. It covers all standard types and elements of technical and scientific documents and
provides a comprehensive treatment of grammar, mechanics, organization, and style. In addition,
it provides entries designed specifically for writers who are non-native speakers of English.
This electronic version includes the Mayfield Handbook in its entirety. It also utilizes
the capabilities of the most common World Wide Web (WWW)
browsers and word processing programs to provide writers, peer reviewers, teachers, and
managers with four unique and effective software tools to aid in the production and review of
technical and scientific documents.
- Open Handbook creates
a WWW browser window displaying Handbook entries. This window allows rapid
and easy access to relevant information through hypertext links and personalized bookmarks,
reducing the need to search through a table of contents or index.
- Create Handbook Link
allows a peer reviewer, an instructor, or a manager to insert in a writer's word
processing document a hypertext link to an entry in the Handbook.
- View Handbook Link allows
a user to view the Handbook entries specified by the links that have been inserted
in the word processing document.
- Create Comment allows
the insertion of an easily identifiable comment into the word processing document.
Reviewers, instructors, and managers can use this function to insert advice within the
text. Writers can also use this function to insert questions and concerns addressed to
an instructor or peer reviewer.
Getting Started
If you are using Windows 3.1 or Windows 95, continue on to Chapter 2.
If you are using a Macintosh, skip to Chapter 3.
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