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Guides for the Future Are Drawn from the Past

Facilities’ Archives hold treasures from the past. Drawings by William Welles Bosworth, architect of MIT’s early, neoclassicism structures document the buildings beginning in 1913. The newest entries are works by the renowned architects who have contributed to the Institute’s recent building program including the Stata Center (Frank Gehry); the Okawa Center extension of the Media Laboratory (Fumihiko Maki and Leers Weinzapfel Associates); Simmons Hall (Stephen Holl and Perry Dean Rogers & Partners); and the Zesiger Sports and Fitness Center (Roche Dinkeloo and Sasaki Associates).

The collection of some 36,000 drawings, plans, and manuals includes practical tools as well. Manuals and guides to building systems that date to the 1960s and earlier come in handy when Repair and Maintenance crews need to solve tough problems in historic buildings.

While the Archives are primarily for Department of Facilities use, members of the MIT community may request an appointment to explore this tangible aspect of MIT history.

 MIT Environment, Health & Safety
 MIT Libraries: MIT Buildings Subject Guide


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