MIT Faculty Newsletter  
Vol. XXX No. 3
January / February 2018
Support the Olympic Truce:
Diplomacy with North Korea Not War;
Haiti: Responding to Various Needs
#MeToo at MIT: Harassment
and Systemic Gender Subordination
Solidarity at its Best:
But Need to Stay the Course
Introducing MIT’s New Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Training and Consensual Relationships Policy
MIT Day of Action: April 17, 2018
Call For Participation
Trump’s Insults Pour Salt in Wounds
of Haitians Healing After Succession
of Disasters
Inclusive Community Faculty Dinners
Comment on “How Deeply Are
Our Students Learning?”
Update on the Task Force
on Open Access to MIT Research
Deep Learning or Deep Ratings?
No More MIT Voo Doo
Teaching this spring? You should know . . .
MIT Faculty By Gender (AY 2018)
Printable Version


No More MIT Voo Doo


To The Faculty Newsletter:

As an MIT staff person I’m always extremely uncomfortable seeing issues of MIT’s student humor magazine Voo Doo on campus. The magazine's title is tacky at best, insulting no doubt, and dangerously close to hate speech.

Prof. DeGraff’s message (“’Voo Doo’ at MIT?”, MIT Faculty Newsletter, Vol. XXX No. 2) is important. MIT is not a community that denigrates or insults someone’s religion. That is not who we are. The editors of MIT’s humor magazine need to change its title.

Thank you.

Molly Ruggles
Senior Educational Technology Consultant
Office of the Vice President of Open Learning

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