MIT Sloan Gustavo Manso
Maurice F. Strong Career Development Professor of Management
Associate Professor of Finance
MIT Sloan School of Management

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Journal Articles

Incentives and Creativity: Evidence from the Academic Life Sciences
with Pierre Azoulay and Joshua Graff Zivin
Rand Journal of Economics (forthcoming)

Motivating Innovation
Journal of Finance (forthcoming)

Governance Through Trading and Intervention: A Theory of Multiple Blockholders
with Alex Edmans
Review of Financial Studies (forthcoming)

The Relative Contributions of Private Information Sharing and Public Information Releases to Information Aggregation
with Darrell Duffie and Semyon Malamud
Journal of Economic Theory, vol. 145 (2010)

Obfuscation, Learning, and the Evolution of Investor Sophistication
with Bruce Carlin
Review of Financial Studies, vol. 23 (2010)

Information Percolation with Equilibrium Search Dynamics
with Darrell Duffie and Semyon Malamud
Econometrica, vol. 77 (2009)

Performance-Sensitive Debt
with Bruno Strulovici and Alexei Tchistyi
Review of Financial Studies, vol. 23 (2010)

Information Percolation
with Darrell Duffie and Gaston Giroux
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, vol. 2 (2010)

Investment Reversibility and Agency Cost of Debt
Econometrica, vol. 76 (2008)

Information Percolation in Large Markets
with Darrell Duffie
American Economic Review P&P, vol. 97 (2007)

Book Chapters

Incentives for Innovation: Bankruptcy, Corporate Governance, and Compensation Systems
with Florian Ederer
Handbook of Law, Innovation, and Growth (forthcoming), Edward Elgar Publishing

Working Papers

Is Pay-for-Performance Detrimental to Innovation?
with Florian Ederer

Incentives to Innovate and the Decision to Go Public or Private
with Daniel Ferreira and Andre Silva

Information Percolation in Segmented Markets
with Darrell Duffie and Semyon Malamud.

Libertarian Paternalism, Information Sharing, and Financial Decision-Making
with Bruce Carlin and Simon Gervais.

Macroeconomic Risk and Debt Overhang
with Hui Chen.

Feedback Effects of Credit Ratings