We welcome people to join us at any level of committment. If you're ready to join some of us on a national march, or just interested in learning more through the mailing list, your voice is still important in the discussion of choice issues.

Join the mailing list. Members of the MIT community can add themselves through Athena. On Athena, type:

athena% blanche pro-choice -add username
You can also ask a member of pro-choice-request@mit.edu to add you manually.

Hang posters. We create posters to educate the MIT community about the facts surrounding reproductive rights. Feel free to print out some and hang them around campus where they're needed. They're available in our posters section.

Come to events. Our events seek to educate the MIT community about reproductive rights issues in a fun setting.

Come to meetings. We have bimonthly meetings to plan events, discuss issues, and share facts we have found for use in our posters.