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TASC5/KASC12 workshop

22-26 July 2019, MIT / Cambridge, USA

Important Dates and Deadlines

  • Registration deadline: 11 July 2019

  • Welcome reception and badge pick-up: 21 July 2019
  • TASC5/KASC12 Workshop dates: 22-26 July 2019
  • TESS Science Conference, also at MIT the following week starting 29 July 2019


Time Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
21 July 2019 22 July 2019 23 July 2019 24 July 2019 25 July 2019 26 July 2019
Morning talks, posters talks, posters talks, posters talks, posters talks, posters
Afternoon talks, posters talks, posters free time for tourism and TESS tours talks, posters
Evening Welcome reception Astronomer mixer Conference dinner

29 July to 2 Aug: TESS Science conference: This conference also takes place at MIT in Cambridge, MA, USA and might be of interest for TASC5/KASC12 attendees.

Schedule by day

A pdf of the schedule can be downloaded here.

Sunday: 7/21/2019

17:30 Registration and Welcome Reception in Ting Foyer at MIT
19:30 End of Welcome Reception

Monday: 7/22/2019

8:30 Registration
9:00 TESS Mission George Ricker Searching Near and Far: Transits and Transients from TESS
9:30 TESS Mission Jon M. Jenkins TESS Science Processing Operations Center Pipeline and Data Products
9:45 Interactive software demo Clara E. Brasseur Accessing TESS Data Programmatically: A MAST case study
10:10 coffee break
10:45 Early TESS observations Daniel Huber Solar-Like Oscillators with TESS: First Results
11:15 Early TESS observations Marc Hon First results of the solar-like oscillator yield from TESS Full Frame Images
11:30 Early TESS observations Timothy R. White The brightest stars observed by TESS
11:45 Early TESS observations Warrick H. Ball What sort of variable is HR2562?
12:00 lunch on your own (e.g. at local restaurants)
13:30 Early TESS observations Earl P. Bellinger Experimental tests of stellar pulsation and evolution with TESS and SONG
14:00 Evolutionary diagnostics Joel Ong Structural and Evolutionary Diagnostics from Asteroseismic Phases
14:15 Evolutionary diagnostics James S. Kuszlewicz Clumpiness: Time-domain classification of Kepler red giant evolutionary states
15:00 coffee break
15:30 Binary benchmarks Daniel R. Hey Forward modelling of pulsating star in binaries
15:45 Binary benchmarks Jean McKeever Comparison between asteroseismic and dynamical masses of a sample of red giants
16:00 Binary benchmarks Nathalie Themeßl Is it time to retire the Sun as the reference star for determining red giant stellar parameters
16:15 Binary benchmarks Sanjay Sekaran An eclipse to build a dream on: Detecting g-mode period spacing patterns in eclipsing binaries with pulsating components
16:30 Interactive software demo Andrew Tkachenko TESS Data for Asteroseismology (TD'A): a machinery for data processing and variability classification
16:55 end of conference

Tuesday: 7/23/2019

8:30 Intermediate-mass stars Donald Kurtz Results and prospects for the TESS main mission studies of main-sequence A to mid-F stars
9:00 Intermediate-mass stars Vichi Antoci The zoo of delta Sct and gamma Dor stars observed with TESS
9:15 Intermediate-mass stars Filiz Kahraman Alicavus Unexpected presence of hot Gamma Doradus and A-F type hybrid pulsators
9:30 Intermediate-mass stars Juan Carlos Suárez Estimating large separation and rotational splittings of δ Scuti stars with neural networks
9:45 Intermediate-mass stars Antonio García Hernández The period-luminosity-color diagram: identifying the fundamental radial mode in A/F stars with Kepler and Gaia
10:05 coffee break
10:45 Intermediate-mass stars Tim Bedding High-frequency δ Scuti stars with TESS
11:15 Intermediate-mass stars Gang Li Gravity and Rossby modes in 600 Kepler γ Doradus stars
11:30 Intermediate-mass stars Joey S. G. Mombarg Improving stellar evolution models with atomic diffusion from asteroseismology of intermediate-mass stars
11:45 Intermediate-mass stars Kuldeep Verma Helium settling in F stars: Constraining turbulent mixing using observed signature of helium ionization
12:00 lunch at your own (e.g. at local restaurants)
13:30 Tides Zhao Guo Tidal Asteroseismology: Opportunities and Challenges
13:45 Tides P. G. Beck Testing tidal theory for evolved stars from red-giant binaries observed by Kepler
14:00 Tides Cole Johnston High tide as seen by TESS: What TESS can do for tidal asteroseismology and pulsating binaries
14:15 Massive stars May Gade Pedersen What TESS can do for massive stars
14:45 Massive stars Dominic M. Bowman Low-frequency gravity waves in blue supergiants revealed by high-precision K2 and TESS photometry
15:00 coffee break
15:30 Massive stars Derek Buzasi Multi-Epoch Asteroseismology: A Window Into Evolution of Massive Stars
15:45 Massive stars Tao Wu A New C-D-like Diagram and the Evolution of SPB Stars
16:00 Massive stars Lucas Viani Testing Convective Overshoot Using Asteroseismology
16:15 Interactive software demo Jessie Dotson The Lightkurve package for Kepler & TESS data
16:40 Interactive software demo Oliver J. Hall Accessible asteroseismology with lightkurve
17:05 end of conference

Wednesday: 7/24/2019

8:45 Stellar activity Rachael Roettenbacher Continuing the Stellar Activity Revolution with Space-Based Photometry
9:15 Stellar activity Ângela R. G. Santos Surface rotation, photometric activity, and active region lifetimes for Kepler targets
9:30 Stellar activity Alexandra E. L. Thomas Asteroseismic constraints on active latitudes of solar-type stars
9:45 Stellar activity Savita Mathur Where are the modes? - Studying the non detection of acoustic modes in solar-like stars observed by Kepler
10:00 coffee break
10:45 Compact pulsators S. Charpinet First steps toward TESSting ultimate stages of stellar evolution
11:15 Compact pulsators M. H. Montgomery The effect of a variable convection zone on coherence and damping of modes in pulsating white dwarfs
11:30 Compact pulsators Weikai Zong Spaceborne photometry revolution: oscillation mode variability in pulsating hot B subdwarfs and white dwarfs
11:45 Compact pulsators Zach Vanderbosch Observing Outbursting White Dwarfs in the post-Kepler Era
12:00 lunch and free afternoon on your own
12:30 TESS tour (limited space: sign-up on Monday required)
13:30 TESS tour (limited space: sign-up on Monday required)
14:30 TESS tour (limited space: sign-up on Monday required)
15:30 TESS tour (limited space: sign-up on Monday required)

Thursday: 7/25/2019

8:30 Galactic archaeology Cristina Chiappini Asteroseismology with CoRoT, Kepler, K2 and TESS: impact on Galactic Archaeology
9:00 Galactic archaeology Dennis Stello Galactic archaeology with TESS and K2
9:15 Galactic archaeology Ditte Slumstrup The origin of the young alpha-rich stars: The view from Kepler, K2 and CoRoT
10:00 coffee break
10:45 Galactic archaeology Marc H. Pinsonneault Precision Stellar Astrophysics: Testing Asteroseismic Radii with Gaia and Understanding the Differences
11:00 Galactic archaeology Samuel Grunblatt Definitive Effective Temperature and Radius Scales for Asteroseismic Red Giants
11:15 Galactic archaeology Tanda Li Good ages in subgiants determined by the asteroseismic modelling
11:30 Galactic archaeology Katrien Kolenberg The wonderful world of classical pulsators, seen by TESS
12:00 lunch on your own (e.g. at local restaurants)
13:30 Rotation Jamie Tayar The Evolution of Stellar Rotation
14:00 Rotation Sébastien Deheuvels Seismic inference on the radial rotation profile within the envelopes of subgiants and red giants
14:15 Rotation Timothy Van Reeth Measuring differential rotation and magnetic fields in A/F-type stars with gravity-mode pulsations
14:30 Rotation Andres Moya Asteroseismology and machine learning for stellar aging using gyrochronology
14:45 coffee break
15:30 Maximizing the Data Keaton J. Bell Fully automated solar-like oscillation detections with the coefficient of variation method
15:45 Maximizing the Data Javier Pascual-Granado Extraction of pulsation frequencies: separating the wheat from the chaff with fractal analysis
16:00 Maximizing the Data Enrico Corsaro FAMED: A new pipeline for fast and automated peak bagging of stellar oscillations. Application to Kepler and TESS GI proposal stars
16:15 Maximizing the Data Guy R. Davies PBjam: The Open Source Peak Bagging Tool
16:30 Interactive software demo Daniel Foreman-Mackey Gaussian Processes for time series analysis
16:55 end of conference
19:00 conference dinner in Samberg Center at MIT

Friday: 7/26/2019

9:00 3D Models Andreas Christ Sølvsten Jørgensen Improving 1D stellar evolution codes using 3D simulations of stellar envelopes
9:15 3D Models Yixiao Zhou Asteroseismology of Solar-type Stars with 3D Hydrodynamical Stellar Modelling
9:30 Interactive software demo Adina D. Feinstein Using eleanor, an open-source Python package, to extract light curves from the TESS Full-Frame Images
9:55 Interactive software demo Andras Pal Accurate methods for differential image analysis on TESS FFIs
10:20 coffee break
10:45 Finding and exploring red giants Isabel Colman Image subtraction photometry on Kepler open clusters
11:00 Finding and exploring red giants Anthony Noll Probing the extension of convective cores with subgiants observed by Kepler and TESS
11:15 Finding and exploring red giants Nevin N. Weinberg Nonlinearly damped oscillation modes in red giants
11:30 Asteroseismology of planet hosts Vincent Van Eylen Asteroseismology of planet host stars in the TESS era
12:00 lunch on your own (e.g. at local restaurants)
13:30 Asteroseismology of planet hosts Tiago Campante TESS's first asteroseismic known hosts
13:45 Asteroseismology of planet hosts Ashley Chontos A Systematic Search for Asteroseismic Host Stars in Kepler, K2, and TESS Data
14:00 Asteroseismology of planet hosts Martin B. Nielsen TESS Asteroseismology of λ² Fornacis
14:15 Asteroseismology of planet hosts Charlotte Gehan Large-scale analysis of red giant inclinations
14:30 Closing Sara Seager TESS Era Astronomy
15:00 end of conference