This web site was prepared with the support of the Cities Alliance, a global partnership organized by the UN-Habitat and The World Bank to achieve the promise of well-managed cities. The Honorable Nelson Mandela is Patron of the Cities Without Slums Initiative of The Cities Alliance.

Cities Alliance

"Poverty reduction and upgrading of informal settlements will not be possible unless cities are productive and efficient, and capable of providing the poor with economic opportunities to build their assets and incomes."

- The Honorable Nelson Mandela

The Cities Alliance

The Cities Alliance is a global partnership with cities to meet the challenges of pro-poor policies and prosperous cities without slums. It was launched in 1999 by the World Bank and UNCHS (Habitat), with two areas of focus:

  1. Linking the process by which local stakeholders define their vision for their city, analyze its economics prospects and establish a city development strategy and priorities for action; and
  2. Making unprecedented improvements in the living conditions of the urban poor by supporting citywide participatory urban upgrading programs and nationwide scales of action – with targets set in the Cities Without Slums initiative.

For more information:

• What is the Cities Alliance?
A 1-page Overview

• ‘The Cities’ Slide Show
A 10-slide overview of the Cities Alliance
PowerPoint format; 204k file size
Download: The Cities.ppt

• Cities Without Slums: Action Plan for Moving Slum Upgrading to Scale
Special summary edition, 23 pages, 2MB file size
Download: ActionPlan.pdf

• Cities Alliance Partners
Participating countries and organizations as of July 2000.

• Cities Without Slums: Progress at the Country Level 2000
Summary of 10 initiatives from around the world

• Visit the web site:

| The Cities Alliance | What is the Cities Alliance? | Cities Alliance Partners | Cities Without Slums |

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