What is a slum? |
What is urban upgrading? |
What is needed to make it work? |
What is the demand for upgrading? |
What are the benefits of upgrading? |
Why have Government programs failed to reach the poor?
What about the urban rural linkages?

Will it cost a lot? |
Are the costs sustainable? |
Why is community involvement important? |
Are 'squatter slums' different from 'city-center' slums? |
What other actions need to be taken to complement upgrading? |

Why not tear down slums and build new? |
Why does relocation not work? |
Where is the evidence that in-place slum upgrading is the best action? |
Isnt it better to invest more in economic development? |
But what about improving the houses? |
What about preventive measures? |

Why were only a few projects city-wide or national in scope? |
What are the fundamentals for scaling up? |
What the issues in scaling up? |