The sections may be accessed directly by clicking on the red buttons.
Organizations Who Can Help?
Contains a brief description of key agencies that are involved in upgrading. Each agency includes mailing address and web site URL. Organizations are grouped according to their contribution: 1) those that provide technical assistance, 2) those that provide technical assistance and funding, and 3) those that provide only funding.
Information is provided at two levels: 1) A Basic Format to rapidly capture the example, and 2) The Standard Format with full information.
Web Sites Resources on the Web
Contains a listing of key web sites that offer information on upgrading. There are three major areas:
Words of particular relevance to upgrading.
Useful Downloads
A collection of posters and a PowerPoint presentation explaining upgrading.
Bibliography Key References
Contains a listing of key books and reports and their Table of Contents. References may be accessed in three ways by topic, title, and when using "search", by author or title.