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Getting Started: Identification
References are arranged following the project phases. Must read are indicated by ![]() |
Housing is much more than a bricks and mortar construct for shelter. It has very direct bearing on our lives. Unfortunately many times housing and upgrading strategies far from having a positive impact end up causing adverse outcomes. Research indicates that particular attention should be paid to the impact of upgrading in the following three areas: General references:
Gender |
Researchers of projects in developing countries have demonstrated that housing and upgrading projects are not gender-neutral. This new literature cautions that projects are usually designed and planned from the perspective of male beneficiaries and this can often result in adverse impacts on the female beneficiaries. Currently the literature points to two main areas of caution, though it is quite likely that gender-sensitivity is required in more aspects. The two current areas of focus are, design and property rights. |
Tenants, the Poor and Displacement |
One of the biggest dilemmas in urban upgrading is displacement of the vulnerable, particularly tenants and the poor. In many instances the poor and the tenants are the same, but upgrading projects through separate ways can adversely impact both. Improvements as a consequence of upgrading can raise the value of property, making it feasible for landlords to demand higher rents from their tenants. Tenants that cant meet the expectations of rent are likely to be displaced. On the other hand improvement strategies financed through cost recovery without recourse to any subsidies are likely to result in the displacement of poor property owners unable to meet the upgrading expenditure. Broadly three kinds of solutions are advanced to deal with this tricky problem. First, a slow pace of upgrading that matches changing and rising income levels and expenditure capacity of the poorer beneficiaries. Second, targeted subsidies. Third, different and specially designed packages of property rights to counter the adverse impacts on the vulnerable. |
Poverty Alleviation, Employment and the Work Place |
Upgrading projects and policies have two direct ways of influencing poverty alleviation and employment opportunities. First, the very act of upgrading can create opportunities for employment. Second, upgrading invariably impacts existing work places and sites of employment within urban settlements. The policy advice is to be cognizant of the above relationships and make decisions regarding upgrading methods and technologies based on the potential of employment creation and the potential adverse impact of short-term and long-term closure of work sites. The second aspect is particularly significant when dealing with informal employment activities that are not always environmentally benign. |
Bibliography Links |
| Bibliography Index | Upgrading Strategies | Social Issues | Physical Issues | | Financial Issues | Institutional Issues | Implementation Issues | | Evaluation and Impact Assessment Methods | Overview | Handbooks, Manuals | |