Table of Contents
Upgrading Urban Communities
Doing Urban Upgrading
Case Examples
Issues and Tools
- Identifying Stakeholders
- Tools, Interactive Community Planning
- Community Action Planning (MicroPlanning)
- Planning for Real
- Urban Community Assistance Team (R/UDAT)
- Schweizer-Reneke Case Example
- Schweizer-Reneke Chart 1
- Schweizer-Reneke Case Example, Chart 10
- Schweizer-Reneke Chart 2
- Schweizer-Reneke Case Example, On Chart 2
- Schweizer-Reneke Case Example, Chart 3
- Schweizer-Reneke Case Example, Chart 4
- Schweizer-Reneke Case Example, Chart 5
- Schweizer-Reneke Case Example, On Chart 5
- Schweizer-Reneke Case Example, Chart 6
- Schweizer-Reneke Case Example, Chart 7
- Schweizer-Reneke Case Example, Chart 8
- Schweizer-Reneke Case Example, Chart 9
- ZOPP : Goal Oriented Project Planning
- Positioning Issues: The Problem Tree
- Tools, Rapid Reconnaisance/surveying
- Tools, Options for Service Provision
- Tools, Consensus Building
- Tools, Interactive Dwelling Design
- Logical Planning Framework
- Tools, Regularization of Land
- Tools, Staffing Projects
- Summary of Four Approaches to Interactive Community Planning
- Tools, Community Contracting
- Tools, Hiring Consultants
- Tools, Income Generation
- Providing Technical Assistance to Homeowners
- Tools, Street Addressing
- Providing Technical Assistance to Homeowners
- Aleppo Case Example
- Aleppo Case Example, Sketch: Issues on drawings/model
- Aleppo Case Example, Chart:Tasks and Outcomes
- Aleppo Case Example, Chart: What/who, Can do/need help
- Aleppo Case Example, Chart: Time/Area Function/Assessment
- Aleppo Case Example, Chart: Tradeoffs of Direct/Indirect Implementation
- Aleppo Case Example, Stories: Open-ended survey
- Aleppo Case Example Chart: Stakeholder and interest
- Aleppo Case Example, Chart: O/P to whom and why
- Aleppo Case Example, Photographic Assessment
- Aleppo Case Example Chart: Activities and Assessment
- Aleppo Case Example, Chart: Matrix assessing cost vs priority
- Aleppo Case Example, Poster: Sample Campaign
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Upgrading Indicators
- Indicators to See If You Got It Right
- Worksheets
- Bibliography
- Bibliography, Upgrading Strategies
- Bibliography, Squatter Citizen: Life in the Urban Third World
- Bibliography, Tenure Security and Urban Squatting.
- Bibliography, World Bank Experience with the Provision of Infrastructure Services
- Bibliography, The Policy and Management of Squatter Upgrading
- Bibliography, Housing Priorities, Settlement Patterns, and Urban Development in Modernizing Countries
- Bibliography, Freedom to Build: Dweller Control of the Housing Process
- Bibliography: Concepts of Urban Land Tenure
- Bibliography, User Cost and Housing Tenure in Developing Countries
- Bibliography, Indonesias Kampung Improvement Program: An Evaluative Case Study.
- Bibliography, Housing by People: Towards Autonomy in Building Environments
- Bibliography, Land Readjustment: a Modern Approach to Urbanization
- Bibliography, Slum Networking: An Innovative Approach to Urban Development
- Bibliography, Social Issues
- Bibliography, Physical Issues
- Bibliography, General Background
- Bibliography, Institutional Issues
- Bibliography, Implementation Issues
- Bibliography, Handbooks and Manuals
- Bibliography, Financial Issues
- Bibliography, Evaluation and Impact Assessment Methods