Communicating Building for Safety. Dudley, Eric, and Haaland, Ane. Intermediate Technology Publications, London. 1993. Excellent overview of dos and donts of handbooks and other forms of visual commnication in Third World situations, despite misleading title. (Table of Contents)
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information. Tufte, Edward R. Graphics Press, Cheshire, Connecticut. 1983. and also Envisioning Information. 1983. Visual Explanations. 1997.
A reference series of graphic example.
GTZ. Einsatz von Lehrmitteln in Projekten der Stadtentwicklung. GTZ-Fachseminar, Nariobi, October 23-28. Eschborn, 1989. Summary of a conference of field workers on design and use of handbooks in housing and upgrading projects in the Third World. In German. (Table of Contents)
Learning to Train: An Introduction to Training Skills. UNHCR Training Service. Prepared inhouse by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. Geneva, 1990. A detailed series of booklets on methods.
Working with Groups: Managing People. Oxfordshire Programme for Training, Instruction and Supervision and the Wigan Foundation for Technical Education. Kidlingon, England, 1987. Handy size and very clear how to do booklet.