Schedule of Acronyms
Definition of Terms
1. Plot Application
Procedures for COR Plot Application
Procedures for COR Applications in Upgrading Areas
Summary of Conditions in the COR
Procedures for Orientation Sessions
Procedures for Post-Application
Post-Application Checklist
Procedures for Plot Transfers
2. Processing of Building Materials Loans
Procedures for Processing Building Material Loans
Notes for the Senior Technical Officer
Instructions for Helping MBL Applicants
A Summary of the Conditions in the BML Agreement
Procedures for Surety Guarantee for a BML
Procedures for Calculating Advance Payments of BML
Procedures for Recalculating BMLs Not Requiring Full Amount of Original Principal
Procedures for Transfer of BML Agreement
3. Certificates of Rights Transactions
Procedures for Processing Complaints
Procedures for Pledging CORs
Procedures for Repossession of COR Plots for Which COR Has Not Been Signed
Procedures for Repossession of Undeveloped COR Plots
Procedures for Conversion of COR to FTG
4. Urban Development Coordinator Procedures
Procedures for Tendering and/or Acquiring Quotations And Awarding Contracts for Project Components
Procedures for Assessment/Payment of Compensation (Upgrading Projects)
5. Permits and Stores
Processing Building/Planning Permits for COR Plotholders
Modification of Stores Regulations for SHHA
Additional Notes for the Modification of Stores Regulations, SHHA
Procedures for Building Material Invoices
6. Construction Supervision
Procedures for Installation of Toilet Substructures On Plots Already Occupied and Allocated
Procedures for Technical Assistants’ Construction Progress Reports
Guidelines for Demonstration Houses
7. Debt Management
Procedures for Calculating an Economic Service Levy
Procedures for Preparing the Monthly Statistical Report
Procedures for Debt Management
Revenue Collectors’ Responsibilities
Procedures for Revenue Collectors
Procedures for Handling Queries of Service Levy or BML Accounts
Techniques to Lower the Rate of Arrears
Procedure for Interviewing Plotholders to Obtain Signatures on the Stop-Order (Salary Deduction) Form
Procedures for Processing Salary Deductions for Service Levy
Action to Be Taken under State Land Act Regulations
8. Office Management
Procedures for Maintenance of SHHA Sites, Offices, Etc.
SHHA Filing System
Photocopy Machine Guidelines
Distribution List
Messenger System
Transportation Policy
Procedures for the Certificate of Excellence
Procedures for the SHHA Staff Evaluation System
9. Sample Forms
(See full list of Sample Forms on p. 144)