Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere, Inc.

Non-governmental organization providing funding and technical assistance throughout the major regions of the world.
Brief Overview
Begun in 1945 by Americans to supply European survivors of WWII with food and other supplies, CARE has evolved to become an international non-governmental organization, funding and organizing projects in over 60 countries worldwide. CARE is supported by American individuals, corporations, and foundations, as well as supporters in Canada, Japan, Australia and Europe, who contribute through CARE International. In 1998, CARE USA delivered $339 million in aid to over 35.3 million people.
Contact Information


151 Ellis Street NE
Atlanta, GA 30303-2439
telephone: (+1) 800 521 CARE, ext. 999
fax: (+1) 404 577 5977

Stated Goals
1. Basic education for children.
2. Economic and social empowerment for women.
3. Economic opportunities that provide sufficient income to meet basic needs.
4. A stable supply of food that meets basic nutritional needs.
5. Readily available clean water.
6. Basic health care, including universal immunization of children against major diseases.
7. Access to family planning services.
8. A safe and sustainable environment.
9. A role in the decisions that affect their families, communities and nations.
Regions of Work
Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Eastern Europe
Areas of Work
1. Health, water, sanitation and population
2. Emergency aid
3. Food security
4. Agriculture and natural resource management
5. Small business support
6. Education
CARE works with national and local government agencies, other NGOs and the communities themselves. Projects are usually enacted using the principles of Househood Livelihood Security (HLS), which focuses on a holistic approach to development projects and the involvement of community members in the decision-making process.
Examples of Upgrading Project

The Integrated Food for Development (IFFD) Project is a food-for-work project, developing skills and providing food in return for the labor of those involved. Projects like this have been undertaken in several countries, including Bangladesh and Ethiopia, where roads, pathways, and bridges has been improved through such construction. Every year in Bangladesh, workers rehabilitate over 1,600 miles of roads in 46,500 villages in 45 of Bangladesh’s 64 districts, improving access to markets and services. Approximately 2.9 million people use these roads each year. In Ethiopia, more than 24,400 laborers and family members will receive food from the project, and an estimated 72,000 residents will benefit from improved infrastructure.

Another upgrading project undertaken by CARE is the Rural Maintenance Program (RMP). The RMP employs almost 41,000 women annually to maintain up to 82,000 kilometers of earthen roads in Bangladesh by digging, loading, carrying and tamping gravel. Project participants are poor women who have dependents, and are either divorced, separated or abandoned, or have husbands who are disabled. Rural communities benefit from improved roadways that provide increased access to schools, clinics, and markets, and the women involved gain a better standard of living for themselves and their dependents. The women are encouraged to use part of their income to start up and maintain small income-generation activities.

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