
Table of Contents for:

Shelter, Settlement, and Development
Edited by Rodwin, Lloyd. 1987. Boston: Allen & Unwin.

I. Overview

1. Shelter, settlement, and development: an overview
L. Rodwin and B. Sanyal

Some lessons of the past
The current crunch: crisis and opportunity
The redirection of shelter, settlement, and development policies
What next? Implications for implementation

II. Shelter Issues

2. Economic impact and implications of shelter investments
L.H. Klaassen, J.G.D. Hoogland, and M.J.F. van Pelt

Impacts of investments on employment
Impacts of improved habitat at microlevel
Macroeconomic impacts
Conclusions and policy implications

3. Household preferences and expenditure
S.K. Mayo

Housing demand in developing countries
Implications for project design and housing strategy
Summary and conclusions

4. The construction industry
F. Moavenzadeh

The current context of development
The structure of the construction industry
The role of construction in development
The demand for construction
Constraints on the supply of low-income housing
Overcoming constraints on the supply of housing
Institutional barriers
Conclusions and recommendations

5. Land policy
W.A. Doebele

The future demand for land
The future supply of land
Economic and social consequences of landlessness
Future directions
Summary and conclusions

6. Infrastructure standards
R. Gakenheimer and C.H.J. Brando

An unintentional conspiracy
Actors in the standards stalemate
Breaking the stalemate

7. Housing finance institutions
M. Boleat

Types of housing finance system
Retail financial institutions and housing finance in developing countries
Housing finance and economic development
The need to encourage the mobilization of savings
Informal housing finance systems
Public policy to encourage the mobilization of savings
Action by formal institutions
The limits of housing finance
The learning process

8. Financing shelter
B. Renaud

Housing delivery systems in TWCs: lessons from experience
Role of the public sector and shelter finance
Financial institutions and capital market constraints
Level of development and housing finance
The experience of international agencies

III. Settlement Issues

9. Spatial strategies, the settlement pattern, and shelter and services policies
H.W. Richardson

Spatial strategies and the settlement pattern
Spatial variations in shelter and services costs
The settlement pattern and other shelter issues
Shelter and services policy implications

10. Metropolitan settlement strategies
P. Hall

A general model of urban development
The rationale for intervention
The rationale applied: strategies for deconcentration
Applying the lessons: Can planners learn from history?
A feasible strategy
An agenda for research

IV. Rethinking Policy, Implementation and Management

11. Shelter, development, and the poor
L. Peattie

What we know
How we think about the facts we have
Some guidelines for program design
A learning agenda

12. Criteria for future shelter and settlement policies in developing countries
L.S. Burns and B. Ferguson

Alternative postures for shelter and settlement policy
Criteria for choices at macro, meso, and micro levels
Progress and the challenges for future policy
Conclusions and recommendations

13. The legal and the illegal city
J. Hardoy and D. Satterthwaite

The search for shelter
Rural settlements and small urban centers
The impact of the economic crisis
The law is not equal for all
Local government
National policies

14. New directions for national shelter policies
A. Van Huyck

The value of a national shelter policy
The evolution of shelter policy concepts
The context of shelter in the mid-1980s
New guiding principles for shelter are needed
New directions in shelter policies
The special concern for sheltering the lowest-income groups
The role of international donors in supporting new directions in shelter policy
Concluding thoughts

15. Institutional learning in shelter and settlement policies
D.A. Schön

Kinds and levels of learning
Evolution of ideas in good currency in shelter and settlement policy
Implications for institutional learning
Interactions of public and private sector
Implications for institutional learning systems


Statistical Appendix A: Trends in the growth and spatial distribution of population
P.S. Towfighi

World population growth
Urban-rural composition
Small and medium-size towns
The growth of large agglomerations
Summary and conclusions

Appendix B: A note on US experience on security of tenure and shelter
J. Carlson

Effects of security of tenure on economic and social progress
The role of security of tenure in the development of the United states

Notes on contributors
List of tables
List of figures

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