GUOGlobal Urban Observatory |
Network of the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (HABITAT)
Brief Overview
The Global Urban Observatory is an international capacity-building network, established by the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat), to assist in meeting the aims of the Habitat Agenda and Agenda 21, which call for the active participation of all major groups of society to improve our living environment. Its mission is to help build a global base of knowledge for sustainable urban development. The Urban Indicators Programme and the Best Practice and Local Leadership Programme (BLP), together, make up the Global Urban Observatory, a UNCHS (Habitat)s facility for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the Habitat Agenda and Agenda 21.
Purpose of the GUO
How does the GUO work ?
Contact Information
Stated Goals
Regions of Work
Areas of Work
Examples of Upgrading Project
Project Selection Process