Undergraduate Women in Physics

Research at MIT

The physics department has four main divisions, and in many ways each division operates like a mini-department with its own colloquium series, degree requirements, funding peculiarities, and sense of community. Besides the divisions within the physics department, inter-disciplinary research centers also contain groups from the physics department.

You can find more information at the MIT physics research website.


The Astrophysics Division is closely affiliated with the Center for Space Research. Facilities and research groups include:

Condensed matter, atomic, and biological physics

The many groups that work in this area are mostly divided between:

Available facilities include:

Laboratory for Nuclear Science

The Laboratory for Nuclear Science is comprised of many groups. Along with the Center for Theoretical Physics, here are some of the entities that make up this division:

Plasma physics

The MIT Plasma Science & Fusion Center has a number of research groups and experiments within the subfield of plasma physics: