hadron Directory Reference


file  inline/hadron/hadron.h [code]
 Inline measurements for hadron observables.
file [code]
 Compute the annihilation diagram propagator elements M^-1 * multi1d<LatticeColorVector>
file  inline_annih_prop_matelem_colorvec_w.h [code]
 Compute the annihilation diagram propagator elements M^-1 * multi1d<LatticeColorVector>
file [code]
 Inline ferm state application.
file  inline_apply_fermstate_w.h [code]
 Inline ferm state application.
file [code]
 Inline measurement of bar3ptfn.
file  inline_bar3ptfn_w.h [code]
 Inline measurement of bar3ptfn.
file [code]
 Inline construction of hadron spectrum.
file  inline_barspec_db_w.h [code]
 Inline hadron spectrum calculations.
file [code]
 Inline measurement of baryon operators via colorstd::vector matrix elements.
file  inline_baryon_matelem_colorvec_w.h [code]
 Inline measurement of baryon operators via colorstd::vector matrix elements.
file [code]
 Inline construction of BuildingBlocks.
file  inline_building_blocks_w.h [code]
 Inline construction of BuildingBlocks.
file [code]
 Construct colorvectors via power iteration of the laplacian.
file  inline_create_colorvecs.h [code]
 Construct colorvectors via power iteration of the laplacian.
file [code]
 Inline construction of the diquark within a QQQ.
file  inline_diquark_w.h [code]
 Inline construction of the diquark within a QQQ.
file [code]
 Inline measurement 3pt_prop.
file  inline_disco_eigcg_w.h [code]
 Inline measurement of stochastic 3pt functions.
file [code]
 Inline measurement 3pt_prop.
file  inline_disco_eo_eigcg_w.h [code]
 Inline measurement of stochastic 3pt functions.
file [code]
 Inline measurement 3pt_prop.
file  inline_disco_eoprec_w.h [code]
 Inline measurement of stochastic 3pt functions.
file [code]
 Inline measurement 3pt_prop.
file  inline_disco_w.h [code]
 Inline measurement of stochastic 3pt functions.
file [code]
 Setup the origin and noise factory for distillution.
file  inline_distillution_noise.h [code]
 Setup the origin and noise factory for distillution.
file [code]
 Inline task gauge transform some fermion object.
file  inline_gauge_transf_obj.h [code]
 Inline task gauge transform some fermion object.
file [code]
 Compute the matrix element of LatticeColorVector*M^-1*Gamma*M^-1**LatticeColorVector.
file  inline_genprop_matelem_colorvec_w.h [code]
 Compute the matrix element of LatticeColorVector*M^-1*Gamma*M^-1**LatticeColorVector.
file [code]
 Compute the matrix element of LatticeColorVector*M^-1*Gamma*displace*M^-1**LatticeColorVector.
file  inline_genprop_matelem_da_colorvec_w.h [code]
 Compute the matrix element of LatticeColorVector*M^-1*Gamma*displace*M^-1**LatticeColorVector.
file [code]
 Compute the matrix element of LatticeColorVector*M^-1*Gamma*M^-1**LatticeColorVector.
file  inline_genprop_matelem_pt_colorvec_w.h [code]
 Compute the matrix element of LatticeColorVector*M^-1*Gamma*M^-1**LatticeColorVector.
file [code]
 Inline hadron measurement aggregator.
file  inline_hadron_aggregate.h [code]
 Inline hadron measurement aggregator.
file [code]
 Inline hadron contraction calculations - for correlators.
file  inline_hadron_contract.h [code]
 Inline hadron contractions - for correlators.
file [code]
 Inline construction of hadron spectrum.
file  inline_hadspec_w.h [code]
 Inline hadron spectrum calculations.
file [code]
 Inline construction of hadron contractions Still just does static!! Contraction calculations.
file  inline_heavy_light_cont_w.h [code]
 Inline heavy light contractions for weak three and four point functions.
file [code]
 Inline construction of heavy hadron spectrum in SU(3)
file  inline_heavyhadspec_w.h [code]
 Inline hadron spectrum calculations.
file [code]
 Use the IRL method to solve for eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the gauge-covariant laplacian.

file  inline_laplace_eigs.h [code]
 Use the Implicitly Restarted Lanczos method with a Tchebyshev polynomial preconditioner to solve for the lowest eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the gague-covariant Laplacian.
file [code]
 Inline construction of make_source for lattice fermions.
file  inline_make_source_ferm_w.h [code]
 Inline construction of make_source for lattice fermions.
file [code]
 Inline construction of make_source.
file  inline_make_source_w.h [code]
 Inline construction of make_source.
file [code]
 Compute propagators from distillation.
file  inline_matelem_distillation_w.h [code]
 Compute the propagator from distillation.
file [code]
 Inline measurement of meson operators via colorstd::vector matrix elements.
file  inline_meson_matelem_colorvec_w.h [code]
 Inline measurement of meson operators via colorstd::vector matrix elements.
file [code]
 Inline construction of meson spectrum.
file  inline_mesonspec_w.h [code]
 Inline meson spectrum calculations.
file [code]
 Inline construction of mres.
file  inline_mres_w.h [code]
 Inline mres calculations.
file [code]
 Inline construction of propagator.
file  inline_multi_propagator_w.h [code]
 Inline construction of multi_propagator – overlap only.
file [code]
 Inline multipole measurement.
file  inline_multipole_w.h [code]
 Inline multipole measurements.
file [code]
 Inline construction of noisy BuildingBlocks.
file  inline_noisy_building_blocks_w.h [code]
 Inline construction of noisy BuildingBlocks.
file [code]
 Inline construction of NPR vertices.
file  inline_npr_vertex_w.h [code]
 Inline construction of NPR vertices.
file [code]
 Inline construction of NPR propagator.
file  inline_npr_w.h [code]
 Inline construction of Landau gauge propagator.
file [code]
file [code]
 Inline measurement 3pt_prop.
file  inline_prop_3pt_w.h [code]
 Inline measurement of stochastic 3pt functions.
file [code]
 Compute the perambulators.
file  inline_prop_and_matelem_colorvec_w.h [code]
 Compute the perambulators.
file [code]
 Compute propagators from distillation.
file  inline_prop_and_matelem_distillation2_w.h [code]
 Compute the propagator from distillation.
file [code]
 Compute propagators from distillation.
file  inline_prop_and_matelem_distillation_w.h [code]
 Compute the propagator from distillation.
file [code]
 Compute the matrix element of M^-1 * multi1d<LatticeColorVector>
file  inline_prop_colorvec_w.h [code]
 Compute the propagator elements M^-1 * multi1d<LatticeColorVector>
file [code]
 Compute propagators from distillation.
file  inline_prop_distillation_stoch_w.h [code]
 Compute the propagator from distillation.
file [code]
 Compute propagators from distillation.
file  inline_prop_distillation_w.h [code]
 Compute the propagator from distillation.
file [code]
 Compute propagators from distillution.
file  inline_prop_distillution_w.h [code]
 Compute the propagator from distillution.
file [code]
 Compute the matrix element of LatticeColorVector*M^-1*LatticeColorVector.
file  inline_prop_matelem_colorvec_w.h [code]
 Compute the matrix element of LatticeColorVector*M^-1*LatticeColorVector.
file [code]
 Compute the matrix element of LatticeColorVector*M^-1*LatticeColorVector.
file  inline_prop_matelem_lm_colorvec_w.h [code]
 Compute the matrix element of LatticeColorVector*M^-1*LatticeColorVector.
file [code]
 Compute the matrix element of LatticeColorVector*M^-1*LatticeColorVector.
file  inline_prop_matelem_pt_colorvec_w.h [code]
 Compute the matrix element of LatticeColorVector*M^-1*LatticeColorVector.
file [code]
 Inline construction of propagator returning only a single lattice fermion.
file  inline_propagator_ferm_w.h [code]
 Inline construction of propagator returning only a single lattice fermion.
file [code]
 Inline construction of propagator.
file  inline_propagator_w.h [code]
 Inline construction of propagator.
file [code]
 Inline construction of QpropMatMul.
file  inline_qprop_matmul_w.h [code]
 Inline construction of QpropMatMul.
file [code]
 Inline measurement of qpropadd.
file  inline_qpropadd_w.h [code]
 Inline measurement of qpropadd.
file [code]
 Inline measurement of qpropadd.
file  inline_qpropdiff_w.h [code]
 Inline measurement of qpropadd.
file [code]
 Inline measurement of qpropqio.
file  inline_qpropqio_w.h [code]
 Inline measurement of qpropqio.
file [code]
 Inline construction of qqbar.
file  inline_qqbar_w.h [code]
 Inline construction of qqbar.
file [code]
 Inline construction of QQQ's using a diquark.
file  inline_qqq_diquark_w.h [code]
 Inline construction of QQQ's using a diquark.
file [code]
 Inline construction of qqq_w.
file  inline_qqq_w.h [code]
 Inline construction of qqq_w.
file [code]
 The QQQ and QQBAR object calculation.
file  inline_qqqNucNuc_w.h [code]
 The QQQ and QQBAR object calculation.
file [code]
 Inline task to spin rotate to a Dirac basis.
file  inline_rotate_spin_w.h [code]
 Inline task to spin rotate to a Dirac basis.
file [code]
 Test sequential propagator.
file  inline_seqprop_test_w.h [code]
 Test sequential propagator.
file [code]
 Inline construction of sequential sources.
file  inline_seqsource_w.h [code]
 Inline construction of sequential sources.
file [code]
 Inline construction of sink_smear.
file  inline_sink_smear_w.h [code]
 Inline sink_smear propagators.
file [code]
 Inline construction of spectrum.
file  inline_spectrum_w.h [code]
 Inline spectrum calculations.
file [code]
 Inline construction of heavy-light baryon spectrum
(infinitely heavy)
file  inline_spectrumQll.h [code]
 Inline spectrum calculations.
file [code]
 Inline construction of propagator.
file  inline_stag_to_wils.h [code]
 Inline construction of propagator.
file [code]
 Inline construction of hadron spectrum.
file  inline_static_light_spec_w.h [code]
 Inline static light spectrum calculations.
file [code]
 Compute a static prop (1/2)*(1+gamma_4)U*U*...U * multi1d<LatticeColorVector>
file  inline_static_prop_colorvec_w.h [code]
 Compute a static prop (1/2)*(1+gamma_4)U*U*...U * multi1d<LatticeColorVector>
file [code]
 Inline measurement of stochastic baryon operator.
file  inline_stoch_baryon_w.h [code]
 Inline measurement of stochastic baryon operator.
file [code]
 Inline measurement of stochastic group baryon operator.
file  inline_stoch_group_baryon_w.h [code]
 Inline measurement of stochastic group baryon operator.
file [code]
 Inline measurement of stochastic group meson operator.
file  inline_stoch_group_meson_w.h [code]
 Inline measurement of stochastic group meson operators.
file [code]
 Inline measurement of stochastic hadron operator (mesons and baryons).
file  inline_stoch_hadron_w.h [code]
 Inline measurement of stochastic hadron operator (mesons and baryons).
file [code]
 Inline measurement of stochastic meson operator.
file  inline_stoch_meson_w.h [code]
 Inline measurement of stochastic meson operator.
file [code]
 Inline measurement that construct unsmeared hadron nodes using distillation.
file  inline_unsmeared_hadron_node_distillation_w.h [code]
 Inline measurement that construct unsmeared hadron nodes using distillation.