gauge Directory Reference


file [code]
 Read a CERN config.
file  cern_gauge_init.h [code]
 Read a CERN config.
file [code]
 Take the complex conjugate of a gauge field.
file  conjgauge.h [code]
 Take the complex conjugate of a gauge field.
file [code]
 Constant diagonal gauge field.
file  constgauge.h [code]
 Take the complex conjugate of a gauge field.
file [code]
 Read a CPPACS config.
file  cppacs_gauge_init.h [code]
 Read a CPPACS config.
file [code]
 Create a disordered config.
file  disordered_gauge_init.h [code]
 Create a disordered config.
file [code]
 Exactly exponentiate a SU(2) lie algebra element.
file  eesu2.h [code]
 Exactly exponentiate a SU(2) lie algebra element.
file [code]
 Exactly exponentiate a SU(3) lie algebra element.
file  eesu3.h [code]
 Exactly exponentiate a SU(3) lie algebra element.
file [code]
 Exactly exponentiate a U(1) lie algebra element.
file  eeu1.h [code]
 Exactly exponentiate a U(1) lie algebra element.
file [code]
 12-th order exponentiation of a lattice color matrix
file  expm12.h [code]
 12-th order exponentiation of a lattice color matrix
file [code]
 Exponentiate a SU(n) lie algebra element by some method,.
file  expmat.h [code]
 Exponentiate a SU(n) lie algebra element by some method,.
file [code]
file  expsu3.h [code]
file  util/gauge/gauge.h [code]
 Include all gauge utility routines.
file  gauge_init.h [code]
 Gauge initialization.
file [code]
 Gauge initialization.
file  gauge_init_aggregate.h [code]
 All gauge field initializers.
file  gauge_init_factory.h [code]
 Factory for producing gauge initializer objects.
file  gauge_s.h [code]
 Include all gauge utility routines.
file [code]
 Initialize the gauge fields.
file  gauge_startup.h [code]
 Initialize the gauge fields.
file [code]
 Set a gauge field from a sample of (almost) Haar measure.
file  hotst.h [code]
 Set a gauge field from a sample of (almost) Haar measure.
file [code]
 Construct an instanton or anti-instanton configuration in singular gauge.
file  instanton.h [code]
 Construct an instanton or anti-instanton configuration in singular gauge.
file [code]
 Key for glueball colorstd::vector matrix elements.
file  key_glue_matelem.h [code]
 Key for glueball colorstd::vector matrix elements.
file [code]
 Key for time-sliced gauge fields.
file  key_timeslice_gauge.h [code]
 Key for time-sliced gauge fields.
file [code]
 Read a KYU config.
file  kyu_gauge_init.h [code]
 Read a KYU config.
file [code]
 Read a MILC config.
file  milc_gauge_init.h [code]
 Read a MILC config.
file [code]
 Read a NERSC config.
file  nersc_gauge_init.h [code]
 Read a NERSC config.
file [code]
 Reunitarize in place a color matrix to SU(N)
file  reunit.h [code]
 Reunitarize in place a color matrix to SU(N)
file [code]
 Do a random gauge transformation on the u fields.
file  rgauge.h [code]
 Do a random gauge transformation on the u fields.
file [code]
 Initialize a Schroedinger BC config.
file  sf_gauge_init.h [code]
 Initialize a Schroedinger BC config.
file [code]
 Shift by a power of 2.
file  shift2.h [code]
 Shift by a power of 2.
file [code]
 Create phases used by staggered fermions.
file  stag_phases_s.h [code]
file [code]
 Stout utilities.
file  stout_utils.h [code]
 Stout utilities.
file [code]
file [code]
file [code]
file [code]
 Extract an unnormalized SU(2) matrix from a GL(3,C) matrix.
file  su2extract.h [code]
 Extract an unnormalized SU(2) matrix from a GL(3,C) matrix.
file [code]
 Project a GL(3,C) color matrix onto SU(3)
file  su3proj.h [code]
 Project a GL(3,C) color matrix onto SU(3)
file [code]
 Project a complex Nc x Nc matrix W onto SU(Nc) by maximizing Tr(VW)
file  sun_proj.h [code]
 Project a complex Nc x Nc matrix W onto SU(Nc) by maximizing Tr(VW)
file [code]
 Fill an SU(Nc) matrix with an SU(2) submatrix.
file  sunfill.h [code]
 Fill an SU(Nc) matrix with an SU(2) submatrix.
file [code]
 Read a SZIN config.
file  szin_gauge_init.h [code]
 Read a SZIN config.
file [code]
 Read a SZINQIO config.
file  szinqio_gauge_init.h [code]
 Read a SZINQIO config.
file [code]
 Take the traceless antihermitian projection of a color matrix.
file  taproj.h [code]
 Take the traceless antihermitian projection of a color matrix.
file [code]
 Test a gauge field is unitarized.
file  unit_check.h [code]
file [code]
 Create a unit config.
file  unit_gauge_init.h [code]
 Create a unit config.
file [code]
 Construct a weak field.
file  weak_field.h [code]
 Construct a weak field.
file [code]
 Create a weak config.
file  weak_gauge_init.h [code]
 Create a weak config.
file [code]
 Read an expanded BMW config.
file  wupp_gauge_init.h [code]
 Read an expanded BMW config.