43 QDP::StopWatch swatch;
81 QDPIO::cerr << __func__ <<
": exact exponentation not implemented for this Nc=" << Nc << std::endl;
87 QDPIO::cerr << __func__ <<
": unknown option = " << opt << std::endl;
Primary include file for CHROMA library code.
Exactly exponentiate a SU(2) lie algebra element.
Exactly exponentiate a SU(3) lie algebra element.
Exactly exponentiate a U(1) lie algebra element.
12-th order exponentiation of a lattice color matrix
Exponentiate a SU(n) lie algebra element by some method,.
void eesu3(LatticeColorMatrix &iQ)
Exact exponentiation of SU(3) matrix.
void expm12(LatticeColorMatrix &a)
12-th order exponentiation of a lattice color matrix
void expmat(LatticeColorMatrix &a, enum ExpMat_t opt)
Exponentiate a SU(n) lie algebra element by some method.
void eesu2(LatticeColorMatrix &m)
Exactly exponentiate a SU(2) lie algebra element.
void eeu1(LatticeColorMatrix &lambda)
Exactly exponentiate a U(1) lie algebra element.
Asqtad Staggered-Dirac operator.
void expsu3(LatticeColorMatrix &a, Reunitarize cflag)
Reunitarize in place a color matrix to SU(N)