The LMRs' Role
Astronaut Limitations
The Big Picture
LMR Advantages
In-field LMR Control
Habitat LMR Control
Problem 1: Complication
Subsequent Problems
LMR Families
LMR Chain of Command
LMR Overdependency
Beyond Mission 2004
A Design Note
LMR Design
Systems Outline


The Big Picture: The Role of the LMRs

This is not enough, however. Ideally, the LMRs would be capable of acting as replacements for the humans. They would be capable of taking relevant scientific measurements of their surroundings and of reliably navigating the martian terrain. To be true human-replacements, the LMRs would have intuition. They would be capable of effortlessly interpreting visual input of their surroundings. These complex computations are many years beyond our current capabilities, and humans are far better-suited at making such qualitative decisions about the martian terrain. Rather than be complete human replacements, the LMRs must be human extensions - machines designed to increase the range and coverage of the astronauts' intuitive interpretation of the martian landscape. To achieve this, the LMRs will have to be capable of sending back video images of the martian surface

mitCopyright © 2000 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Comments and questions to Last updated: 10 December, 2000