The LMRs' Role
Astronaut Limitations
The Big Picture
LMR Advantages
In-field LMR Control
Habitat LMR Control
Problem 1: Complication
Subsequent Problems
LMR Families
LMR Chain of Command
LMR Overdependency
Beyond Mission 2004
A Design Note
LMR Design
Systems Outline


LMR Design Tree
Back to the Main LMR Research Page Navigation Tree Size and Number Tree Common Components Tree

The Main LMR Tree

This is the primary LMR tree. The various options we've considered, and the decisions we've taken in designing the LMRs, can be understood by following the various links on this and other subtrees.

Using the LMR Design Tree

There are various symbols used on the LMR Design Trees. Each of these has a specific meaning, and a specific function associated with it.

The Back Entry:
This is the top entry on each tree. The text in the back entry is the heading for the tree and is displayed in bold. Clicking on the back entry will display the parent tree of the current tree on display.

The Hyper-link Entry:
These are entries that terminate in dashed lines. Clicking on a hyper-link entry will lead to a sub-tree with further information.

The Normal Entry:
Normal entries are blue in color and represent possible design options taken under consideration. Clicking on a normal entry leads to a descriptive paragraph that discusses various aspects of the particular design option. The Solution Entry:
Solution entries are yellow in color and represent the final solution chosen from the possible set of options. Clicking on a solution entry leads to a description of the reasoning behind our selection.

mitCopyright © 2000 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Comments and questions to Last updated: 10 December, 2000