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Mission 2007
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Importance of Environment
Alaskan Natives:
The subsistence strategy of both the Inupiat and Gwich'in depends on the environment. The Inupiat of Kaktovik rely primarily on the sea for their diet,l whereas the Gwich'in diet is based primarily upon the Porcupine Caribou and other land species.
Alaskan Citizens:
Alaskan Corporations:

Native Corporations have different companies including companies that are involved in tourism, and land conservation. They understand that the land is the way of life for many Native Alaskans. Most of the corporations' shareholders are Native Alaskans, so since any company's interests lie in thier shareholders, they have to be considerate of what the Native Alaskan's believe.

There are also Corporations who believe that the damage to the environment are minimal and can be altered. The American Petroleum reserve believe this. They say that the damge done to the environment is becoming less and less. This can be done due to technological advances. They are able to clean up spills more efficiently, and generally run a smoother oporation.

Alaskan Environmentalists:

"Wildlife Refuges and wilderness areas are important biological, recreational and scientifc areas for the entire American public."

"Protection of Alaska's natural wildlife for its intrinsic value as well as for the benefit of present and future generations." -Alaska Wildlife Alliance

Environmental groups are single-issue interest groups; they are concerned with protecting the environment above all other issues. They are fighting to preserve a very small portion of the Alaska wilderness.


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Last updated: November 23, 2003
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