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Mission 2007
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People's Rights
Alaskan Natives:

The International Porcupine Caribou Commission [IPCC] (comprised of Venetie, Fort Yukon, and [Inupiat] Kaktovik in Alaska; and Old Crow in the Yukon Territory.) formed to address the rights of Alaskan natives.The IPCC's major joint statement is, "In no case may a people be deprived of its own means of subsistence." Any negative impact to the Porcupine Caribou herd from drilling in ANWR is a threat to the Gwich'in means of subsistence.

Alaskan Citizens:
Alaskan Corporations:
The corporations look after their shareholders like I mentioned earlier. What this means is that if a group of people is adversly affected by what happens, then they will suffer somewhat. If they do not hold onto their shareholders, then their coorporation will suffer.
Alaskan Environmentalists:

Future generations have a right to "an unspoiled legacy of wild places, with all the precious values they hold: biological diversity; clean air and water; towering forests, rushing rivers, and sage-sweet, silent deserts."

People have a right to know what the wilderness area looks like before it is destroyed; therefore, green groups support raising public awareness by disseminating information among the masses.

Some churches and other religious groups support the environmental position, "caring for creation" is incompatible w/ Bush's proposal to drill in ANWR.


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Last updated: November 23, 2003
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