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week of October 3

Hey what's up. This will be my first entry. I'm Steven. So I guess I'm supposed to keep an online journal about whats up with me and Mission 2008. So that's cool. Basically I've been assigned to research as much as I can about the Climate and Geography of the Galapagos archipelago. This is kind of weird, everything here seems very professional and intimidating, but I hope I get the hang of it soon. I can't believe it's October already. I'm not quite sure if I have the right software for all of this, but I've done some work like this before. I attempted to create a website for my Thespian troupe back home. d(note: dont's look for it, I did a very bad job), but if I can master the basics, this will be good to know. Also, I'm excited about learning about the Galapagos, since we're going there for Spring Break. It'll be a blast. But still the islands themselves seem really cool and I want to learn as much as I can about them. I guess that's it for now. I'll write more later I promise.

week of October 10

Howdy. OK I tried to put my site up, but I think it's in the wrong place. That probably isn't good. But still I'm doing my best. Oh yea some bad news. I guess I'm not going to the Galapagos. That offer was only for the Terrescope kids. I must've read it wrong. Darn that's a blow. But this new software is so weird I can't figure out how to put pictures on it, and the help isn't helping. Ironic isn't it. Well this is frustrating I guess I'll just do some research. laters.

here is my research summary 1

week of October 17

Up late finishing the site. Hey I finally figured out how to put up some pictures. check them out. I love those clouds. The goofy looking pictures are the ones I drew myself. (note: plan to insert some real pictures into the site [now that i know how]) I think we can just use the ones on the website, so you may or may not see more cool pictures all over.

OK, so my topic has been changed. My team has officially begun to leave the preliminary research phase, so now we has slit into three smaller groups in order to conquer the next three questions. Since there are only nine of us, we have split into teams of three. Harrison, Sean and Noelle are constructing a plan that pertains to the third objective (at least i think it is, but the topic is to create a plan to monitor, track, and study the animals using a sensor system). Jill, Amanda, and Jiho are developing the plan on devising an ideal village. From here on out, my primary research will apply to looking for an answer for the first question of our original project.

So I have begun to do some research about the politics involving the area. My teammates Juan Prajogo and Bin Ni are working with me on this subject. Juan worked on the research of the economics of the area and Bin basically researched the topic. I'm not really sure about much of the politics in the area, except what little general knowledge I have on the area. What I think I know is that the following:

~They have a president and a congress.

~I think their general set up is kind of like ours, basically they have both an executive branch (president) and a legislative branch (congress)

I will definately have to do a lot more research so I can understand the political sphere that we are dealing with. Also, I need to catch up to the level that Bin and Juan are at with this project.

This weekend, I plan to spend quite some time reading about what I need to know about this. There wasn't that much time that I could find this weekend between my 18.01A test and the rest of it.

I spent some time on Saturday researching and looking economic information and political information about Ecuador. I plan to take a look at it later.

week of October 24

I found something interesting today while researching to see my notes on the information. Today I basically analyzed what I thought was most likely to occur given our mission objectives and the current state of Ecuador.



It's been a busy week, so I've been slow finishing up my summary, but you can see it: summary. It's also on the main mission site, which (if you didn't know) is web.mit.edu/12.000/

There is so much work to do here so I'll write more later.

week of October 31

Today is Halloween! Happy Halloween. So yea, I'm finishing up my work with on the website. It's such a nice day out, ( a warm upper 60s) but I'm here finishing up this site (it's due tomorrow), so I'm gonna finish this up.

I've decided for now I'm gonna take a break from research and list all the sources which I've used and also just interesting sites I found. to check it out, you can access my resources by using the top and bottom navigation bars. So far my website has turned out alright, but I think I'm gonna jam some pictures in. Unfortunately the software I'm using is kinda funky when it comes to that. It won't let me really box (at least I don't know how to) off the pictures. The team site has come together nicely, Sean did an awesome job with it. There's a link on the first page for it, so you should definately take a look. Oh and since tomorrow's November be on the lookout for some new month pictures. haha sorry I just like drawing them.

here is my research summary 2

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