by Melinda Medlock

The Mississippi River is divided
the upper and lower basin at Cairo, Illinois where the Missouri River
enters as the last major tributary. The river’s drainage basin
includes up to 41% of the continental United States (USACE, 2004),
including a lot of fertilized agricultural area. Runoff from these
agricultural plots and sediment flowing into the river from other
tributaries give the Mississippi a very high sediment concentration.
Deposition of this sediment on the river’s floodplain occurs during
periods of high water, when more runoff and increased erosion of the
banks increases the sediment and water load of the river. When the
water level is high, the river deposits sediment first on its banks,
building up its own natural levees. When even these natural levees
fail to hold in the rising water, the river floods its banks and
deposits sediment across the floodplain. This process has
continuously extended the coastline and built up the surrounding
This sediment is also important
maintaining the wetlands that fringe the Louisiana coastline. These
areas depend on a steady supply of sediment to provide substrate for
plant growth and a current of fresh water to prevent the ocean’s
salt water from encroaching and killing the freshwater plants and
The course and position of the
mouth of
the river into the gulf has changed at least seven times in the past
10,000 years (Heller, 2006). The river gradually builds up its
floodplain until it is much higher than the surrounding land. Then
the river would find a new, lower, shorter path to the ocean by
cutting through one of its banks and eroding out a new bed for
Floods have been a major part of
Mississippi delta ecosystem for as long as the river has existed.
They deposit sediment to build up the natural levees, increase the
elevation of the surrounding floodplain, and sustain the wetlands
that protect the coast from large storms and also filter the water,
particularly for fertilizer, before it enters the Gulf of Mexico.
This means that the disappearance of these wetlands is increasing the
amount of fertilizer that flows into the Gulf of Mexico, which is
responsible for the huge hypoxia zone at the mouth of the river.
The crops and people settled along
banks of the river are protected from its periodic floods by levees
and other flood control structures like spillways and dams. The banks
of the river are also armored along several stretches to prevent
further erosion and loss of developable land. Dams and large
reservoirs, particularly on the Missouri and Arkansas river
tributaries, have reduced the sediment load of the river by at least
50% since they were built in the 1950s (Meade, 1995). Several of
these dams are filling up with sediment that is dropped by the river
as it hits the dam and slows down. As a result, their capacity and
effectiveness for flood control is being compromised. Currently,
there is no solution to this problem other than dredging, which is
The levees extend all the way into
Gulf of Mexico, channeling sediment straight out into the Gulf and
over the continental shelf, where they are essentially lost to the
wetlands and land-building processes. The levees also prevent the
river from building up its natural banks and floodplain with sediment
deposited during times of high water. Instead, the river just
deposits the excess sediment it picks up during flood stages on its
own bed, gradually building itself higher and higher above the
surrounding floodplain. This means that the current river bed is
artificially maintained because of its high elevation relative to the
surrounding land. This is why, in New Orleans, people have to look up
to see the ships on the river.
If the river were to continue
positions every time it found a shorter, steeper route to the Gulf,
many port cities would need to be periodically relocated. This
happened often before the Army Corps of Engineers built up and
monitored the levees, preventing the river from changing course
(Twain, 1967). The Corps built the Old River control structure during
the 1950s to prevent the Mississippi from shifting its flow entirely
into the steeper, more direct route to the Gulf via the Atchafalaya
river bed. The Mississippi currently empties about 30% of its water
into the Atchafalaya (Sparks, 2006). The Mississippi bed is much
higher than the Atchafalaya at Old River, so without the control
structure, the Mississippi would send 100% of its flow down the
Atchafalaya. This would leave all cities currently located along the
Mississippi below Old River completely dry, and flood most of the
cities currently located along the Atchafalaya.
Spur dikes, or wing dams, are used
control the width and depth of a channel of flowing water
(Hendrickson, 1999). They are porous barriers, usually constructed of
quarried rock laid down during times of low water. The dike extends
only partway out into the channel, where it slows down the water that
passes through and around it, causing the river to deposit sediment
and further build up the dike. If the opposite bank is armored,
preventing the river from maintaining its original velocity and
hydraulic radius, the spur dike serves to narrow and deepen the
channel, thus increasing the river’s velocity. A higher velocity
also increases the river’s carrying capacity. This means that it
will pick up more sediment, and if it cannot do this by eroding the
banks outward, it will cut the bed deeper.