by Sabina Khan
and Jayanthi Jayakumar
As we
close off areas that
are too dangerous for the public to live in, the process of relocating
people becomes a daunting task. About 40% of the historical city of New Orleans is
of houses built pre-1950s (GNOCDC, 2000). We understand the importance
homes and its impact on the culture of New Orleans. But we are compelled to
ask for the
relocation of certain portions of the city of New Orleans due to the increasing
rate of
subsidence. We by no means plan to discriminate or harm anyone, but the
remains that certain areas of New
Orleans are too dangerous to live in. Measures
need to
be taken to portray that this effort is not meant to relocate a certain
of people to create opportunities and gain for others. It is to
minimize the
effects of future disasters from occurring again and to protect the
people by
moving them.
The danger involved in living in the area
must be emphasized
over and over again. The local media is requested to air the programs
with the problems in New
and stress the importance of moving. Local schools will have programs
projects that also provide information for the people so that they
how important it is to move.
Although relocating from the homes they have
had for years
will be a very difficult process, we want to make it simpler by
providing them
with information and a support system that will help them find the next
place to rebuild their lifestyles. To accomplish this goal, a Citizen’s
Relocation Committee will be created under the New Orleans City Council. This will be a
temporary committee designed to help people relocate and will consist
of a
headboard that includes 1 representative from each district that will
the CRC. However, to do one-on-one consultation, experts in the areas
relocation will be hired at a ratio based on the population’s needs and
demands. The CRC will also consist of a hotline number that will not
only help
people find consultants to help them move, but also access to other
such as psychologists and counselors, to help them deal with the move.
Although it will be hard to compensate for
homes that are
invaluable both historically and emotionally, the federal government
provide monetary aid to help people relocate and get situated. This
consist of the replacement costs of their homes in the areas they
choose to
move to, and any additional costs that concern the market value of
their past residence.