Short Term
Long Term
Setting a Precedent


Committee for Continued Monitoring
    The recommendations we have made here are based on the best scientific data and projections we could find. However, we recognize that technology improves and information increases continuously. Projections, in particular, can only have a limited accuracy given the number of variable factors that play into the actual outcome. For example, the fate of New Orleans and other coastal cities in one hundred years depend largely upon the amount of sea level rise that occurs in that time period, and predictions for sea level rise in that time period vary from less than a meter to upwards of ten meters. Therefore, in order to truly ensure the safety of New Orleans in one hundred years and beyond, periodic reviews and modifications of these and other long-term plans will be critical.

    In this spirit, we propose the formation of a committee to meet every ten years to discuss the current state of New Orleans.  This committee will be comprised of experts in key fields including geology, meteorology, biology, psychology, engineering,  and economics.  They would be responsible for researching any changes in the state of New Orleans that could affect the safety and practicality of our plans.  A lot can change in ten years.  In order for our plan to be viable, it has to be flexible and capable of adjusting to factors that we have not foreseen, but could play a major role in the future of New Orleans and other coastal towns.

    It would be preferable to extend this idea beyond just the city of New Orleans.  This could be a valuable tool for all cities to help them to stay adjusted to the current state of affairs.  If New Orleans had implemented a the idea of a committee earlier on, they might have been able to predict and prevent the catastrophe of hurricane Katrina.  This spirit of flexibility and adjustment are essential to the survival of New Orleans for the next one hundred years.