18.337 Parallel Scientific Computing

Spring, 1996

Tuesday/Thursday 3:00--4:30


Prof. Alan Edelman

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Course Poster

This year we will use Silicon Graphics, a Dec Turbolaser Server, an IBM SP-2 and perhaps networks of workstations. (No more CM-5). As a new educational experiment, we will have joint lectures with Berkeley using the PictureTel Videoconferencing system in 9-253. Perhaps in the future we will see the following cross-listing MIT 18.337/ UCB CS 267 . Also worth noting are the interesting BU tutorials.

Final Projects

Class Notes (old unfinished version)

Course Syllabus

Class List

Problem Sets

Computing Platforms

Parallel Languages


  1. Lecture 1: (2/6) Introduction to Parallel Machines and Parallel Programming
  2. Lecture 2: (2/8) Floating Point Arithmetic (Room 9-253)
  3. Lecture 3: (2/13) Silicon Graphics architecture and environment
  4. Lecture 4: (2/15) Parallel Prefix and Data Parallelism
  5. Lecture 5: (2/22) Matrix Multiply on One Processor
    Scientific Software Libraries:
    Machine      Single Processor  Multiprocessor
    IBM SP-2     ESSL              PESSL        
    Dec 8400     DXML
    SGI          sgimath
  6. Lecture 6: (2/27) Parallel Matrix Multiply
  7. Lecture 7: (2/29) Lapack and Scalapack
  8. Lecture 8: (3/5) High Performance Fortran
  9. Lecture 9: (3/7) More HPF and Spectral Partitioning
  10. Lecture 10: (3/12) Fast Multipole Algorithm
  11. Lecture 11: (3/14) Fast Multipole Algorithm II
  12. Lecture 12: (3/19) N-body Simulations
  13. Lecture 13: (3/21) Domain Decomposition
  14. Lecture 14: (4/2) Geometric Mesh Partitioning
  15. Lecture 15: (4/4) Climate Models
  16. Lecture 16: (4/9) Domain Decomposition Part II
  17. Lecture 17: (4/11)
  18. Lecture 18: (4/18) Fourier Transform with representation theory
  19. Lecture 19: (4/23) Guest Lecture John Eck on obtaining performance from symmetric multiprocessors
  20. Lecture 20: (4/25) Guest Lecture Shang-Hua Teng on Spectral Partitioning Works
  21. Lecture 21: (4/30) Multipole through Interpolation
  22. Lecture 22: (5/2) Interpolation Sparse Matrices
  23. Lecture 23: (5/7) Berkeley Projects
  24. Lecture 24: (5/9) Non equispaced FFT?
  25. Lecture 25: (5/14) Wavelets?
  26. Lecture 26: (5/16) Student Presentations


Ancient History

Feedback to Professor Edelman.

Maintained by Alan Edelman. Last modified: February 8, 1996