//  File:   vga_graph2_buf.v
//  Date:   08-Nov-05
//  Author: I. Chuang <ichuang@mit.edu>;
//  VGA display of a 638x256 graph (in a 640x258 window)
//  This version buffers the input data, and copies it to the display
//  each time the input data buffer is filled, after the last display
//  of a full buffer is complete.
//  This version also displays two different buffers (eg for the
//  real and imaginary results of a FFT).

[Up: fft_sample vg1]
module vga_graph2_bufIndex (reset,vclock,pix_clk,hcount,vcount,pixel,

   parameter 	NX = 640;	// number of data pixels (horiz size)
   parameter 	GPIX_RGB1 = 3'b111;	// pixel RGB for graph data1
   parameter 	GPIX_RGB2 = 3'b100;	// pixel RGB for graph data2

   input reset;		// system reset
   input vclock;	// system synchronous clock
   input pix_clk;	// video pixel clock
   input [9:0] hcount;	// horizontal index of current pixel (0..639)
   input [9:0] vcount;  // vertical index of current pixel (0..479)
   output [2:0] pixel;	// char display's pixel
   input [9:0] 	cx;	// x-location of graph (upper left corner)
   input [9:0] 	cy;	// y-location of graph (upper left corner)
   input [7:0] 	data1;	// next data word to clock in
   input [7:0] 	data2;	// next data word to clock in
   input 	dclk;	// data clock
   input 	dstart; // pulse to start data input

   // data is loaded begining with the clock cycle after (the single-cycle)
   // dstart signal rises.

   reg [7:0] 	gdat1[NX:0];	// ring buffer memory for display data1
   reg [7:0] 	gdat2[NX:0];	// ring buffer memory for display data2

   // pixels for the graph

   wire [9:0] 	hoff = hcount-cx;
   reg [9:0] 	hptr;

   always @(posedge vclock)
     hptr <= (hoff==0) ? 11'b0	// start display pointer at zero
	     : ~pix_clk ? hptr 
	     : (hptr == NX-1 ? 0 : hptr+1);
   wire [9:0] 	voff = vcount - cy;
   wire [2:0] 	gpix = ( ((voff==gdat1[hptr]) ? GPIX_RGB1 : 3'b0)
			 | ((voff==gdat2[hptr]) ? GPIX_RGB2 : 3'b0) );

   // clocking in new data
   reg [7:0] 	vdat1[NX:0];	// ring buffer memory for incoming data1
   reg [7:0] 	vdat2[NX:0];	// ring buffer memory for incoming data2
   reg [10:0] 	buf_cnt;	// counter on current size of new sample buf
   reg [10:0] 	cp_cnt;		// count of samples copied to display buffer
   reg 		loading;
   reg [1:0] 	view_cycle;	// number of vid frames after copy_done raised
   wire 	end_buf = (buf_cnt==NX);
   wire 	frame_over = (vcount == 478) & (hcount == 1) & pix_clk;
   wire 	copy_flag = loading & end_buf;		// copy requested
   wire		view_done = (view_cycle==2);		// new data displayed
   wire 	copy_done = (cp_cnt == NX) ? 1 : 0;	// copy done
   wire 	new_set = copy_done & view_done; 	// req new set of data

   // loop which makes sure a full video frame is displayed after
   // loaded data is copied to display buffer, before new sample is taken
   always @(posedge vclock)
     view_cycle <= (reset | ~copy_done) ? 0
		   : (copy_done & frame_over) ? view_cycle + 1
		   : view_cycle;

   // main loop which samples data and checks for load request

   always @(posedge vclock)
     if (reset)
	  buf_cnt <= 0;
	  loading <= 0;
     else if (dclk) 		// dclk is the clock-enable data clock
	  loading <= new_set ? 0
		     : dstart ? 1	// start one cycle after dstart rises
		     : loading;

	  buf_cnt <= new_set ? 0
		     : (loading & ~end_buf) ? buf_cnt + 1 
		     : buf_cnt;

	  if (loading)
	       vdat1[buf_cnt] <= 8'd255 - data1;	// store data
	       vdat2[buf_cnt] <= 8'd255 - data2;	// store data

   // copy from input buffer to display buffer when loaded & inbuf full

   always @(posedge vclock)
	// cp_cnt counts up to NX-1 and stays there until copy_flag -> 0
	cp_cnt <= copy_flag ? ((cp_cnt < NX) ? cp_cnt + 1 : cp_cnt) : 0;

	gdat1[cp_cnt] <= copy_flag ? vdat1[cp_cnt] : gdat1[cp_cnt];
	gdat2[cp_cnt] <= copy_flag ? vdat2[cp_cnt] : gdat2[cp_cnt];

   // border
   wire 	bpixfl = (hoff==0) | (hoff==NX) | (voff==0) | (voff==254);
   wire [2:0] 	bpix = bpixfl ? 3'b010 : 3'b0; 	

   // display flag
   wire    dispflag = ( (hcount>=cx) & (hcount <= cx+NX) & (vcount >= cy-1) & 
			(vcount <= (cy+10'd254)) );

   // final pixel output

   reg [2:0] 	pixel;
   always @(posedge vclock)
     pixel <= pix_clk ? (dispflag ? gpix | bpix : 0) : pixel;

endmodule // vga_graph


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From: ./vga_graph2_buf.v

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