6.2370 and 6.6370 PROBLEM SETS AND LABS FALL 2024
One homework problem set will be handed out almost every week, for the first seven weeks, and will be due one week later. Points will be deducted for homework handed in late. Homework will not be accepted after the solutions have been handed out.
Problem Set/Lab |
Issue Date |
Due Date |
Download |
PS 1 - Geometric Optics |
09-10-24 |
09-17-24 |
(pdf) |
LAB 0-Safety |
09-10-24 |
(pdf) |
LAB 1A - Single-Lens Imaging |
09-10-24 |
(pdf) |
LAB 1B - zoom projector and near-eye zoom telescope Design |
09-11-24 |
(pdf) |
LAB 1B MODIFIED - Near-eye terrestrial zoom telescope build and analysis |
09-23-24 |
(pdf) |
PS 2 - EM Waves, Polarization, Jones matrices |
09-17-24 |
09-24-24 |
(pdf) |
LAB 2 - Polarization, waveplates, dielectric reflection |
09-18-24 |
(pdf) |
PS 3 - Coherence & Interference |
09-24-24 |
10-01-24 |
(pdf) |
LAB 3 - Interferometers |
10-02-24 |
(pdf) |
PS 4 - Diffraction |
10-01-24 |
10-10-24 |
(pdf) |
Lab 4 - Fresnel and Fraunhofer Diffraction |
10-09-24 |
(pdf) |
Quiz 1 |
10-17-24 |
(In Class) |
(pdf) |
PS 5 - Holography |
10-22-24 |
10-29-24 |
(pdf) |
LAB 5A - Holography |
10-23-24 |
(pdf) |
PS 6 - EO, AO, LC, PR light modulation |
10-29-24 |
11-05-24 |
(pdf) |
LAB 5B - Holography (make your holograms) |
10-30-24 |
(pdf) |
LAB 6 - EO, AO, LC , PR light modulation |
11-06-24 |
(pdf) |
PS 7 - Lasers |
11-05-24 |
11-12-24 |
(pdf) |
In class Lasers demo |
11-07-24 |
(In Class) |
(pdf) |
In Lab 2-lens processor demo |
11-14-24 |
(In Lab) |
(pdf) |
Quiz 2 |
11-26-24 |
(In Class) |
(pdf) |
In class photodetectors demo |
12-05-24 |
(In Class) |
(pdf) |
Final Project Presentations |
12-10-24 |
(In Class) |
(pdf) |
For the required writeups of the laboratory exercises, the MOL staff will provide specific information for each one. However, for the final project, we suggest using the OSA "A" template for article submission. Alternatively, you can use the American Institute of Physics templates. Or you may decide to use the SPIE templates or the IEEE templates. Be sure to follow the style guide associated with the template you use.
- Please read the first page before asking or sending the course staff
SampleQuiz2Problems(pdf) - Please read the first page before asking or sending the course staff questions!
This page has been created and maintained for 6.161 and 6.637 by David Dunmeyer and Prof. Cardinal Warde. Permission of the authors for duplication or other use of this website's content is required and must include the original copyright. © 2006 Prof. Cardinal Warde, David Dunmeyer