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8.323 :: Quantum Field Theory I

Welcome to 8.323 for Spring 2008

Since the lecture room was overfilled, we have made some temporary arrangements while waiting for a larger room. For details, see the course information page,
or download in PS or PDF formats.

Problem Set 7 reduced: Since we have not yet started to talk about representations of the Lorentz group and the Dirac field, I am (significantly!) reducing Problem Set 7. Of the 5 problems on the set, only Problems 1 and 2 remain, and are due on Tuesday April 15 as scheduled.

Problems 3, 4, and 5 on the printed version of Problem Set 7 will appear as Problems 1, 2, and 3 of Problem Set 8, so it will be worthwhile for you to start them whenever you can. (The Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff problem will again be for extra credit only.) In truth you will not learn much from my lectures that will help you work these problems. However, depending on your background, the meaning and notation of the problems might become clearer after the next lecture.

Office hours rescheduled: My office hour today will have to be postponed. Instead of the office hour today, I will have an office hour on this coming Monday, April 14, at 4:00 pm. If you want to see me and cannot see me at that time, then let me know when you are free and we will see if anything is possible.

Travel plans by Alan Guth: I should also mention that immediately after class next Tuesday I will be heading for the airport, going to a small conference organized by Texas A&M at the ranch of one of their benefactors. From there I will be flying to Vienna, where I will be giving a colloquium on April 21. I will get back to Boston on Wednesday night, April 23, in time to teach our class on Thurs April 24. I will be missing the lecture on Thurs April 17, when it will be given by Prof. Farhi. My office hour on Thurs April 18 will therefore also have to be cancelled, since I will be in Texas.

Problem Set #2 has been postponed. The problem set will now be due tomorrow (Wednesday 2/27), at 5:00 pm, in the usual homework boxes.

The Class Contact List is now available, but to access it you need an MIT personal certificate which matches a name on the class list. If you do not have an MIT personal certificate, then click here to obtain one. You will need an MIT ID number, an MIT (Kerberos) username, and password. (Cross-registation students should be given an MIT ID number when they register, and they can then obtain an MIT computer account at If you use more than one browser, or more than one computer, then you will need to get multiple certificates.

If you have a certificate but still cannot access the Class Contact List, then see if you can access WebSIS. If not, then something must be wrong with your certificates. If you can't figure out what is wrong, then tell me the details, including the specific error messages, and I will try to help. If you can access WebSIS but not the Class Contact List, then probably your name is not on the class access list. If so, send me an email and I will add your name. Make sure that you tell me your MIT (Kerberos) username.

Serkan Cabi's office hour for this week is changed. Serkan will be traveling, and will therefore have his weekly office hour today, Monday, from 2:00 - 3:00 pm, in the usual room, 6-415. Next week his normal office hours will resume. If you have questions and cannot make this office hour, email him at cabi[at] to either ask your question or to arrange another time to see him today.

The lecture to be given on Tuesday 2/12/08 will definitely be repeated on Wednesday 2/13/08, 12:05 - 1:25 pm, Room 4-231. If you want to come to a less crowded lecture, it would probably be a good idea to come on Wednesday. 4-231 is a very modern classroom with a capacity of 57.

Problem Set #1 has been corrected, fixing a typographical error in Problem 2. See the revised version in PS or PDF formats.

Problem Set #1 is now available, and will be due on Thursday, February 14.

Problem Set #1 will be available soon, and will be due on Thursday, February 14.