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MIT Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics

AeroAstro enews back issues 2006

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AeroAstro enews is the department’s electronic newsletter, emailed regularly to our faculty, students, and staff. Issues include information about recent awards and recognitions, research news, upcoming events and activities, announcements from AeroAstro clubs and organizations, and other news. Contributions are welcome; send to

December 2006: Awards and Honors, Dr. Raymond Sedwick awarded first Bepi Columbo Prize, Prof. Olivier de Weck named associate editor of AIAA's Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Prof. Raul Radovitzky wins a Best Paper Award at 25th Army Science Conference, grad. student Finale Doshi wins a Marshall Scholarship; HAL featured in ONR publication; BioSuit shown at NextFest Convention; IAP listings added to AeroAstro site; WebTip from Bill.

November 2006: Awards and Honors, Prof. Mark Drela elected AIAA Fellow, grad. student Carl Nehme wins student paper competition at the 2006 UVS Conference, Prof. Geoffrey Landis returning to NASA Glenn, SPHERES on the big screen in historic broadcast, BU invites MIT AA to "Future of Space Exploration" Symposium, PARTNER debuts E-Newsletter, CDIO call for papers extended to December 11, Department Academic Calendar now on the Web.

October 2006 : Awards and Honors, to Marie Stuppard and MVL Alum, Elezar Edelman; Comings and Goings, Peggy Udden taking on special projects and events for HQ, with the arrival of Susan Whitehead as the new administrative assistant to Prof. Harris; This IS (Water) Rocket Science: the Unified Engineering 2006 Water Bottle Rocket Contest; PARTNER launches web site; Prof. cummings addresses Ig Nobles; Flying Club activities announced; Steve Madden, 1936-2006; Admitted student info site added to web; Media crews and reporters visting AA again; Mars Gravity Program wants to send you into space, literally.

September 2006 : Honors and Awards, to Professors Wesley Harris, Olivier de Weck, Edward Crawley, John Hansman, and Wings Club Scholarship to Sho Sato, senior student, AIAA student awards to Mardavij Roozbehani, Lars Blackmore and Amy Brazin; Comings and Goings reports arrival of several visitors; John How's UAV platform featured in TechTalk; Landis paper on Robo-Exploration published; Donna Savicki, Assistant Dean for Administration in the School of Engineering, has agreed to work part-time with Aero&Astro HQ; 139 incoming freshmen interested in AeroAstro; Earll and Rena Murman send thanks for celebration of Earll's career at MIT; Student Tutorial Services available and tutors sought; Seminar looks into rear-view mirrors; Flying Club raffle a success; Events Calendar can now chase you; MIT CDIO Conference call for papers; Faculty bios now online.

June-July 2006: Prof. Leveson chairs the International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety's Technical Committee on Space Safety; Welcome to new faculty, Paulo Lozano, Emilio Frazzoli and Hamsa Balakrishnan; in People News: Afreen Sidduqi is a new post doctoral associate with Prof. de Weck, Julie Finn returns, Jeffrey Hoffman continues as an interviewer/commentator for the BBC, the MIT AIAA names new officers; NSBRI funding new Space Life Sciences program at MIT; the Department's 2005-2006 annual report is available; Technology Review profiles Steve Hall project; the Department's annual magazine is now in print and on our web site; SSL "Imagine Mars" program for kids great success; new web profile pages for faculty

May 2006: Awards and accomplishments: Professor-Emeritus John Dugundji, Professor Eytan Modiano, Brian Williams, Olivier de Weck, Lecturer Jennifer Craig, AeroAstro Above and Beyond Awards, High Five Awards, 2006; SPHERES begin ISS tests; MIT Mars Society holds merit badge workshop; annual Unified Aerial Competition; AeroAstro alum survey results available; Popular Science profiles flying car project; CDIO grows to 23 schools; VHS to DVD conversion available

April 2006: Awards and recognition: Professor Wesley Harris, Larry Young; Job opening: Research Engineer for The Environmental Design Space; Green Light for Space Logistics Phase II; AA competes in Design-Build-Fly contest; Alumnus Richard Hardy endows new fellowship; SPHERES arrives at ISS; Devotion display for Professor Drela; Seamans' autobio now online; Student group news; Professor Cummings comments in Air & Space magazine; Deshpande invites Ignition, Innovation grant proposalss; News RSS feed now on AeroAstro web

March 2006: Awards and accomplishments: Soon-Jo Chung, Umair Ahsun, Carol Niemi, Stacey Scott; Comings and goings: Carla Rivera leaving; Job opening in Environmental Space Team; AAA tours, talks, reception for alums at reception; Hoffman on engineer's role in space exploration; HAL to get mobile lab; Lockheed Martin supports AA activities; How, Williams named Info Sector co-heads; News from the student groups; Hall featured in Tech Talk/home page; Space robot talk on MIT World; CDIO holds N. American regional meeting; Mars Biosat Project seeks interns; Web favorites

February 2006: Awards and recognition for David Miller, Olivier de Weck, Raul Radovitzky, Paul Cefola, Chris McQuin, Kathryn Fischer, Ping Lee, Helen Halaris, Michael Corcoran, Sally Chapman, Beth Marois, Phyllis Collymore, Todd Billings, Brian O'Conaill, Linda Fuhrman, Julianne Zimmerman, Larry Young; North American, International CDIO conferences; NASA Director Griffin to speak; IM Sports; Structures/Materials conference; email info session, Web favorites

January 2006: Awards and recognition for Jonathan How and Geoffrey Landis; Comings and goings; Faculty postdoc, and TA position openings; Course 16 changes; New AeroAstro web site to debut; Papers sought for CDIO conference; X-Prize pilot to speak at AIAA Dinner; Teams receive awards in Mars Gravity Biosatellite Bus Design Competition.

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