Articles in the Media
- Leaner Airlines Mean Fewer Routes, Study Shows
Based on Global Airline Industry report by Michael Wittman and William Swelbar
By Susan Carey and Jack Nicas, Wall Street Journal 5/7/13
- Airport Magazine: Economy
Uneven Describes the Economic Decline and Uneven Will Describe the Recovery
by William Swelbar
From the 2009 F. Russell Hoyt National Airports Conference
- MIT’s Global Airline Industry Program Releases White Paper on International Airline Liberalization
MIT Press Release, 5/15/08
- More About Labor And Economics, And Less About Scope by William Swelbar, Aviation Daily, 9/14/07, see page 7
- Cashing in on airlines' overbooked flights
Quotes Dr. Peter Belobaba
By Randy Dotinga, The Christian Science Monitor, The Seattle Times 9/12/07
- Airways In USA Are Safest Ever
From Prof. A. Barnett's work
By Alan Levin, USA TODAY 6/30/06
- Airlines Fearing a Vicious Circle of Weak Finances and Low Morale
Mentions Prof. Hoffer Gittell
Claudia H. Deutsch - 11-03-2004 - The New York Times
- Airlines' Challenge: Conquer Fear of Flying
Ann Carroll (The Gazette) - 09/26/2004 - The Gazette
- Looking Back and Ahead: The Future of the US Domestic Airline Industry
By Michael E. Levine.
- MIT Report: Cargo Growth To Have Strong Impact on China's Airport Infrastructure
By Frances Fiorino, 11/24/03, Aviation Week & Space Technology
- U.S. Aviation Needs Overhaul
CNN.com, 9/24/03
- A New Deal for Labor Day
By Thomas A. Kochan, 9/1/2003 Boston Globe.
- Airline's Security's False Hope?
By Arnold Barnett, 7/28/2003, An MIT Enterprise Technology Review.
- The Southwest Airlines Way
By Jody Hoffer Gittell, 4/9/2003, The Global and Mail Metro.
- New Approach Offers a Cure for Ailing Airline Industry, According to Brandeis Expert
By Jody Hoffer Gittell, 4/22/2003, Brandeis University News.