New Documents
- Cost Convergence in the US Airline Industry: An Analysis of Unit Costs 1995-2006
Gerassimos Tsoukalas, Peter Belobaba, William Swelbar
Working Paper April 2008- MIT Global Airline Industry Program
- Framing the Discussion on Regulatory Liberalization: A Stakeholder Analysis of Open Skies, Ownership and Control
Alex Cosmas, Peter Belobaba, William Swelbar
Whitepaper 05/16/2008- MIT Global Airline Industry Program
- The presentations of the October 25, 2007 IAB / Airline Industry Consortium Joint Meeting are available including:
Modeling the Choice of Airline Itinerary and Fare Product- Emmanuel Carrier
Scalability of Air Transportation Networks through the Development of Multi-Airport Systems: A Worldwide Perspective- Philippe Bonnefoy
Infrastructure Costs- Joakim Karlsson
Assessing Delay Propagation in Airline Plans- Amy Cohn
Legacy and LCC Convergence of Costs and Productivity- William Swelbar
(the full list can be found here)
- The presentations of the October 26, 2006 IAB / Airline Industry Consortium Joint Meeting are available including:
Airline Industry Recent Trend Update- R. John Hansman
Fares and Competition in US Domestic Markets - Peter Belobaba
Low Cost Competition in the Global Airline Industry: Implications for Employment Relations - Jody Gittell
Dealing with Infrastructure and Capacity Constraints- Amedeo Odoni
Dynamic Airline Scheduling Models and Experiments- Cynthia Barnhart, Hai Jiang
(the full list can be found here)
- The presentations of the Nov 4, 2005 IAB / Airline Industry Consortium Joint Meeting are available including:
Airline Industry Recent Trend Update (November 2005)- R. John Hansman
Pricing and Revenue Management Research - Peter Belobaba, Maital Dar, Celia Geslin
Infrastructure-Related Taxes and Fees in the U.S. and EU - Joakim Karlsson
How Relevant is Elapsed Time in Passenger Airline Choice?- Georg Theis
Implications of Very Light Jets for the Air Transportation System- Philippe A. Bonnefoy
(the full list can be found here)
- Impacts of 9/11 on US Airline Performance
Dr. Peter Belobaba (MIT)
Presentation - 11/03/2005 - MIT Research and Development Conference, Cambridge
- What's Wrong with US Airlines - Recent Airline Industry challenges
Dr. Peter Belobaba (MIT)
Presentation - 01/27/2005 - Independent Activities Period at MIT
- Outlook and Challenges for US Airlines
Bill Swelbar (ECLAT Consulting)
Presentation - 10/13/2004 - MIT Guest Speaker, Boston, USA