
CUPUM 2015: Public Engagement papers and abstracts

      [Key: *=paper,  %=abstract-only,  #=book-abstract,  ^=could-not-attend]

W1E - Particpatory Urban Sensing (Moderator: Renée Sieber)

Session-36 (W1E): Leveraging Cellphones for Wayfinding and Journey Planning in Semi-formal Bus Systems: Lessons from Digital Matatus in Nairobi
# Jacqueline Klopp, Sarah Williams, Peter Waiganjo, Daniel Orwa, Adam White

Session-36 (W1E): The Use of Participatory Urban Sensing Data in Urban Infrastructure Investment Assessments: Insights from Two Delphi Surveys in Beijing
% Ying Long, Steve Denman, Debbie B Deng, Xiao Rong, Xihe Jiao and Ying Jin

Session-36 (W1E): Smart Phones for a Smart City: Requirements for Context Aware Mobile Application for Landscape and Urban Planning
* Alexandra Tisma, Mathijs M. de Weerdt, Birna van Riemsdijk, Martijn Warnier and René van der Velde

Session-36 (W1E): Who’s talking, who’s listening: exploring social media use by community groups using social network analysis
* Wayne Williamson and Kristian Ruming

W2E - Computer Aided Tools for Planning (Moderator: Renée Sieber)

Session-37 (W2E): eDevelopment-Assessment as “Smart ePlanning” for New South Wales (NSW) Australia
* Awais Piracha

Session-37 (W2E): Planning supports for public participation in urban planning in China
* Lin Zhang, Stan Geertman and Yanliu Lin

Session-37 (W2E): How Will Compact City Affect Me? : Urban Planning Simulations for Citizens
* Yoko Hasegawa, Yoshihide Sekimoto, Toshikazu Seto and Yuki Fukushima

Session-37 (W2E): CityEye: Real-time Visual Dashboard for Managing Urban Services and Citizen Feedback Loops
* David Lee, Jesus Ricardo Alvarez Felix, Shan He, Dietmar Offenhuber and Carlo Ratti

W3E - Engagement Issues and Methods (Moderator: Renée Sieber)

Session-38 (W3E): Virtual Worlds As Support Tools For Public Engagement In Urban Planning
# Anja Jutraz and Tadeja Zupancic

Session-38 (W3E): Recoding embedded assumptions: adaptation of an open source tool to support sustainability, transparency, and participatory governance
# Jennifer Minner

Session-38 (W3E): Facilitating PSS Workshops: A Conceptual Framework and Findings from Interviews with Facilitators
# Peter Pelzer, Robert Goodspeed and Marco Te Brömmelstroet

Session-38 (W3E): Gaming, Urban Planning and Transportation Design Process
# Jayanth Raghothama and Sebastiaan Meijer