
CUPUM 2015: Urban Information Infrastructure papers and abstracts

      [Key: *=paper,  %=abstract-only,  #=book-abstract,  ^=could-not-attend]

(Moderator: Andrew Allan)

Session-39 (T5E): Development of a community planning support system based on open data: Neighborhood quality of life and health in City of Atlanta
* Ge Zhang, Wenwen Zhang, Subhrajit Guhathakurta and Nisha Botchwey

Session-39 (T5E): Comparing the Distribution of Open Geospatial Information between the Cities of Japan and Other Countries
* Toshikazu Seto and Yoshihide Sekimoto

Session-39 (T5E): Ontology-Based Data Integration from Heterogeneous Urban Systems: A Knowledge Representation Framework for Smart Cities
* Achilleas Psyllidis

Session-39 (T5E): Concept Model "the Flow of Information in the City"
* Rikutaro Manabe