M i Diao

CUPUM 2015: Urban Analytics papers and abstracts

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W1D - Neural Networks and Data Mining (Moderator: Chris Pettit)

Session-25 (W1D): Knowledge-Mining the Australian Smart Grid Smart City Data: A Statistical-Neural Approach to Demand-Response Analysis
# Omid Motlagh, Greg Foliente and George Grozev

Session-25 (W1D): Extraction of industry coagglomeration patterns from small area statistics: An approach by the FDR-based cluster detection and the frequent pattern mining of industry clusters
* Ryo Inoue

Session-25 (W1D): Spatial Analysis of the Indian Subcontinent: the Complexity Investigated through Neural Networks
* Giovanni Fusco and Joan Perez

Session-25 (W1D): Systematic Data Mining into Land Consumption in Germany
* Alfred Ultsch, Odette Kretschmer and Martin Behnisch

W2D - Networks and Cluster Detection (Moderator: Andrew Allan)

Session-26 (W2D): The Capacity of Roadway Infrastructure and its Relation with Functional Urban Regions
* Gustavo Garcia Manzato, Rodrigo Sanches Dias and Antônio Nélson Rodrigues Da Silva

Session-26 (W2D): Using Migration Degree to Distinguish Post-Industrial U.S. Cities
* Clio Andris and Cindy Cook

Session-26 (W2D): Communities in an inter-firm network and their geographical perspectives
* Ritsu Sakuramachi, Naoya Fujiwara, Shota Fujishima, Yuki Akiyama and Ryosuke Shibasaki

Session-26 (W2D): Spatial cluster detection on detailed data without constraint of continuousness
* Akihito Ujiie and Junya Fukumoto

W3D - Mobile Sensing to Improve Urban Operations (Moderator: Chris Pettit)

Session-27 (W3D): Development and Operation of Social Media GIS for Disaster Risk Management in Japan
# Kayoko Yamamoto

Session-27 (W3D): Study on Traffic Flow Characteristics using Probe Vehicles
* E. Elangovan, D. Jebaselwin Gladson, K. Gunasekaran, S. Kalaanidhi, K. Karthiga

Session-27 (W3D): A Comparison among various Classification Algorithms for Travel Mode detection using sensors’ data collected by smartphones
* Muhammad Awais Shafique and Eiji Hato

Session-27 (W3D): Assessing noise exposure levels along recently built cycle paths in a Brazilian city with a mobile sensing system
* Thiago Cunha Ramos, Antônio Nélson Rodrigues Da Silva, Lea Cristina Lucas de Souza, Luc Dekoninck and Dick Botteldooren

T1D - Spatial Patterns of Housing and Pricing (Moderator: Mi Diao)

Session-28 (T1D): Trade-off between benefit from the ocean and flood hazard risk: A spatial multilevel hedonic analysis
* Daisuke Murakami and Yoshiki Yamagata

Session-28 (T1D): Measuring Housing Vacancies in Japanese Cities: Spatial Analytics Using Utilities Data
* Kiichiro Kumagai and Michael Batty

Session-28 (T1D): Spatial exploration of the refurbishment dynamics of urban housing stock
* Liane Thuvander, Magnus Österbring, Erika Mata, Holger Wallbaum, Filip Johnsson and Mikael Mangold

Session-28 (T1D): Examining the Long-Term Effect of Government Housing Regulations on the Spatial Distribution of Residents: A Case Study of Singapore
* Jingsi Shaw and Joseph Ferreira

T2D - Human Dynamics and Space-Time Mobility (Moderator: Mi Diao)

Session-29 (T2D): Automobile Driver Behavior and Cell Phone Use while Driving
% Zuleide Feitosa, Hartmut Gunther and Pastor Willy Gonzales Taco

Session-29 (T2D): Harnessing Heterogeneous Social Data to Explore, Monitor, and Visualize Urban Dynamics
* Achilleas Psyllidis, Alessandro Bozzon, Stefano Bocconi and Christiaan Titos Bolivar

Session-29 (T2D): Making Real-Time Predictions of People’s Irregular Movement under Disaster Situations
* Takahiro Yabe, Yoshihide Sekimoto, Hiroshi Kanasugi and Takehiro Kashiyama

Session-29 (T2D): "Mobilidad en las alturas": An analysis of space-time activity patterns and urban configuration in La Paz - Bolivia
* Ronny Marcelo Aliaga Medrano, Rony Marcelo Arteaga Velasques and Pastor Willy Gonzales Taco

T3D - Urbanization and Landuse-Transport Models (Moderator: Mi Diao)

Session-30 (T3D): Data Integration to Create Large-Scale Spatially Detailed Synthetic Populations
# Yi Zhu and Joseph Ferreira, Jr.

Session-30 (T3D): Pragmatic incremental or courageous leapfrog [re]development of a land use-transport modelling system for Perth, Australia
# Sharon Biermann, Doina Olaru, John Taplin and Michael Taylor

Session-30 (T3D): Transition Analysis of Regional Characteristics Using Building Geo Big Data and National Census Data Throughout Japan ~Focusing on Compact City, Re-urbanization and Suburban Sprawl~
* Yuki Akiyama and Ryosuke Shibasaki

Session-30 (T3D): Spatial Analysis of Urban Characteristics Based on Land Use Information along Tram Lines
* Koji Yoshikawa, Fumiko Perry and Naoyuki Tsukamoto

T4D - Urban Built Environment (Moderator: Mi Diao)

* Mariene Giunta, Marcia Suriano, Lea Cristina Lucas de Souza and Eliane Viviani

Session-31 (T4D): Time-series Analysis and Prediction of Building Material Stock and Flow Using 4d-GIS
* Kenji Sugimoto, Hiroyoshi Morita and Hiroki Tanikawa

Session-31 (T4D): Analyzing the impact of the built environment on the bike sharing usage: The case of Lyon city
* Tien-Dung Tran, Nicolas Ovtracht and Bruno Faivre D'Arcier

Session-31 (T4D): Development of a Simplified computerized tool to measure the visibility of open spaces
* Rim Meziani, Mohammed Assad Ghazal and Hassan Hajjdiab

T5D - Traffic Management (Moderator: Kazuaki Miyamoto)

Session-32 (T5D): MassDOT Real Time Traffic Management System
# Russell Bond and Ammar Kanaan

Session-32 (T5D): Performance Evaluation of Uncontrolled Intersection using Microscopic Simulation
* Hemavathy M, Kalaanidhi S, Gunasekaran K, Mukti Advani and Velmurugan S

Session-32 (T5D): Developing congestion index based on taxi GPS data
% Jiawen Yang, Xiangfu Kong and Xiongbin Lin

* Lilian S. Santos, Cassiano Gustavo Messias, Sérgio Adriano Loureiro, Bruno V. Bertoncini, Oneida B. Bezerra and Orlando Fontes Lima Jr.

T3E - Accessibility and Risk Management (Moderator: Chris Pettit)

Session-33 (T3E): Addressing Parking Challenges in Downtown Pittsburgh
* Tayo Fabusuyi and Robert Hampshire

Session-33 (T3E): The GIS-based Research of Measurement on Accessibility of Green Infrastructure – A Case Study in Auckland
* Jing Ma and Errol Haarhoff

Session-33 (T3E): Identifying risk profiles in the London’s public transport system
* Roberto Murcio, Chen Zhong, Ed Manley and Michael Batty

Session-33 (T3E): Structural Tension Indicator
% Henrique Leite and Romulo Krafta

T4E - Tapping Social Media and Human Emotions (Moderator: Sarah William)

Session-34 (T4E): The role of Social Media Geographic Information (SMGI) in Spatial Planning
# Michele Campagna, Roberta Floris, Pierangelo Massa, Anastacia Girsheva and Konstantin Ivanov

Session-34 (T4E): Urban Emotions – Benefits and risks in using human sensory assessment for extraction of contextual emotion information in urban planning
# Peter Zeile, Bernd Resch, Jan-Philipp Exner and Günther Sagl

Session-34 (T4E): A spatiotemporal analysis of participatory sensing data “tweets” and extreme climate events toward real-time urban risk management
* Yoshiki Yamagata, Daisuke Murakami, Gareth W. Peters and Tomoko Matsui

Session-34 (T4E): Exploring the distribution and dynamics of functional regions using mobile phone data and social media data
* Jinzhou CAO, Wei TU, Qingquan LI, Meng ZHOU and Rui CAO

F1B - Visualization of Spatial Data (Moderator: Sarah Williams)

Session-35 (F1B): Visualization methods for linking scientific and local knowledge of climate change impacts
# Scott Lieske, Kari Martin, Ben Grant and Claudia Baldwin

Session-35 (F1B): Integrated Visual Exploration Tool for Fusion of Mass Movement and Static Data
* Satoshi Ueyama, Yuki Akiyama and Ryosuke Shibasaki

Session-35 (F1B): Using flow-comap technique to visualize spatial-temporal patterns of public bike sharing program and the effect of weather and contender events
* Terry Li and Jonathan Corcoran

Session-35 (F1B): Perspectives on transit: Potential benefits of visualizing transit data
* Colin Stewart, Ehab Diab, Robert Bertini and Ahmed El-Geneidy

Session-35 (F1B): Integrating Urban Simulation and 3D Geometric Modeling
% Paul Waddell