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Do you guys do the large prints I see all over campus?
[Top] Yes, we have a large format color printer that can run up to 42” wide prints. There are two different types of stocks and the pricing varies based on stock choices and size. You can send your file to ctc-sendfiles@mit.edu including the specifications of your request. You should also feel free to bring your file into the main CopyTech center in 11-004.
I am organizing a conference. Do you provide any services that could help?
[Top] Yes, we can order your binders, run the contents of your conference materials, print on tabs and insert all materials into the binders. We can run your presentation materials and deliver all to your conference site. CopyTech provides on-going conference support during the actual event. We offer our CopyTech Center as an office away from your office for conference attendees and presenters alike. We are happy to open the center beyond our regular hours of operation to accommodate any scheduling needs. If I send CTC an electronic file, what type of files do you prefer?
[Top] We prefer to work from PDF files because they eliminate a lot of problems concerning formatting and font substitution. When I convert my files to PDF, why don't they look as good as my original application files?
[Top] Because the default settings for Adobe Acrobat are for on screen viewing, which is low resolution. You can change the settings to a higher resolution in the options window. If you are not familiar with Acrobat, we would be happy to assist you in saving your files at a higher resolution so that it prints out at the same quality as your original file. Why is copying course readers strictly prohibited?
[Top] There are two answers to this question. First, and foremost, course readers typically, but not always have copyrighted material within them. The copyright laws prohibit copying course readers, which bypasses the copyright laws. Secondly, departments order in good faith an amount of course readers for their class. If students do not purchase course readers through the process in place, those departments are responsible for the unsold readers at the end of each semester. We count on everyone to do the right thing and not copy course readers that are on our shelves for sale. I'm putting together a course reader, how can I find out how much a course reader will cost?
[Top] The cost of a typical course reader is a combination of the printing costs and the cost of any copyright permission. You can submit a copyright request for a course reader and follow up in a week or so and we will be able to give an estimate of the price as it comes back from the rights holders with pricing.
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