Courses and training
Electron Microprobe Analysis
Jan. 14 (Tue), Jan 16 (Thurs), Jan 21 (Tue) and Jan 23 (Thurs), 2020, 1-5 PM, 54-1221
Limited to 8 participants.
Level: U 6 units Graded P/D/F
Introduction to the theory of X-ray microanalysis through wavelength and energy dispersive spectrometry (WDS and EDS), ZAF matrix corrections, and scanning electron imaging with back-scattered electron (BSE), secondary electron (SE), elemental X-rays with WDS and EDS, and cathodoluminescence (CL); lab sessions will involve hands-on use of the JEOL JXA-8200 Superprobe. This four-session course is offered for undergraduate credit. However, persons interested in an in-depth discussion of quantitative X-ray analysis are invited to participate. Students will be required to complete lab exercises and take a quiz to obtain credit.
Other listings: Registrar's Course 12 catalog; EAPS IAP offerings
Please note that selection is by departmental lottery. Do not pre-register on WebSIS. Please complete and submit the following form, e-mail Dr. Chatterjee at, or call 617-253-1995.
Study material:
- Course notes
- Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 presentations
- Open Courseware
- Textbook (optional): Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-ray Microanalysis: A Text for Biologists, Material Scientists, and Geologists, Goldstein et al., Plenum Press: New York.