HamletS opens with the pre-history of the original play, which is told in scattered pieces by Shakespeare. Conceived as a shadow-theatre, the audience learns of the events that have lead to the initial situation very quickly and effectively.There are no words, just Evan Ziporin's score marking the rhythm of the events.

The Script text


The Dumbshow Costumes

Bill Fregosi's take on the Dumbshow

The Curtain and the Shadows

Rehearsal Stills
Photos by Evelyn Eastmond

Hamlet's Childhood: Virgina Corless (Gertrude) Helen Lui (Young Hamlet) and Aaron Moronez rehearse the choreography showing the happiness of Hamlet's childhood.

Old Hamlet (Aaron Moronez) and Polonius (Max Goldman): Polonius curtseys in obedience, and then displays a roll with the affairs to be taken care of.

Dan Katz (Claudius) succeeds in seducing Gertrude (here, the director, Janet Sonenberg), which is expressed in a very subtle movement.

Old Hamlet and Claudius hold hands, in fraternal bond, right before Claudius murders his own brother. Old Hamlet sleeps in the orchard.

Production Stills
Photos by Ben Solish

Denmark fights Norway

Old Fortimbras attacks Old Hamlet

Hamlet is designed heir to the throne of Denmark

Father and Son

Old Hamlet is poisoned

Video Clips

Old Hamlet Defeats Fortimbras rehearsal


Hamlet is Born rehearsal


Father and Son Production



Claudius seduces Gertrude Production

Claudius poisons Old Hamlet Production

Old Hamlet's Funeral Production

Claudius Seizes Power rehearsa



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Last Update:
3rd June, 2003